Character Asks!!!

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Okay, so...
I know I already had  part up for this but I deleted (for reasons I don't feel like explaining) BUT! I have all the questions you guys asked perviously saved! Sooooooo....if you already asked a question on that part I deleted please DO NOT ask it again because me, being the oblivious person I am, will probably answer it twice.

Also, there a new character to ask questions too, so without further-a-do leave you questions for.....

Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Nick, Jay, Anne, Kayden age: 1 and a half, 3, 5, or 13, or me (the author)RIGHT HERE!!!!!

Also, if you ask Kayden a question, it can be at the any age he was in the story so please say what age you want him to answer it at.

AND REMEMBER! If you already asked the question on the part I deleted please DO NOT ask it again I have them saved.

Alright, byeeeeeeeee

-Lex xxx. ❤️

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