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"Harry, can't it wait til' morning?" Niall yawned.

"No, it can't. Where are you right now?" Harry asked, turning the corner.

"Liam's place, why?" Niall asked.

"Alright. Meet me outside in 5 minutes. I'll explain on the way there." Harry assured, hanging up the phone without another word to Niall.

About 5 minutes later Harry pulled up outside Liam's flat, where he, and Niall were standing outside in sweatpants and T-shirts.

Harry rolls down the window, "get in!" He shouted.

Liam turned to Niall and gave him a confused look and Niall just shrugged before they both climbed into the back seat.

Before any of them could speak, Harry's foot was on the gas and they were driving down the street.

"Harry! Slow down!" Liam yelled, gripping onto the safety handle on the roof of the car.

"I can't." Harry stated before making a sharp turn "we need to go get Louis."

"Louis?" Niall asked, buckling himself in "why?"

"Because..." Harry sighed, trying to figure out how to break the news to them.

"You know Nick, right?" Harry asked.

"Louis' boyfriend? Yeah, I know of him." Liam spoke from the back seat.

"Well, when Louis and I had our "date" Louis told me that, he hits him.." harry bit his lip.

"Abuse?" Niall asked, sounding appalled.

"Yes Niall." Harry rolled his eyes "anyway, I got a couple of texts from Nick a few weeks ago saying that if I texted Louis ever again he would beat both are asses, so i stopped texting him."

Niall and Liam were silent.

"So I got a call from Louis around 2, and he was crying and he told me to come pick him up because Nick had a gun and he was drunk and he was firing at things, so I told him to get out of the apartment, and I told him I had to go and he begged me not to hang up, but I had to." Harry finished.

"Oh..." Was all Liam said.

"Yeah..." Harry nodded his head "am I going the right way?"

"Um, yeah, yeah. Just keep going straight for like a half mile, then turn right." Liam said, his mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Alright." Harry nodded, keeping straight.

After awhile Harry turned onto the freeway.

It was silent except for the soft mummer of the radio.

"Hey Harry..." Niall broke the silence.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, as traffic comes to a stand still.

"Aren't you afraid if Louis tries to leave the apartment...that Nick might hurt him?" Niall asked.

"What?" Harry looked at him through the mirror.

"I mean, if he has a gun, and he's drunk, don't you think he might....shoot him?" Niall said in a soft voice.

And then it hit him.

"SHIT!" Harry yelled slamming the palm of his hands on the steering wheel "I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THAT! SHIT, I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!" Harry shouted, grabbing fistfuls of my hair, and tugging harshly.

"Harry, calm down." Liam reached over and patted his shoulder but Harry swatted it away.

"I need to call him!" Harry yelled, frantically searching for my phone.

"No! Harry you're driving." Niall protested, removing his seat belt, he climbed over Liam and into the front seat.

"We're stuck in traffic! No ones moving!" Harry growled.

"Fine, call him. Get a ticket. I don't care." Niall crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wow. You seem so worried for your friend who gets beat by his boyfriend, and who could get shot at any moment." Harry scoffed, finally pulling my phone from the cup holder.

Niall mutters something under his breath that I couldn't hear, so Harry just dialed Louis' number and held the phone up to his ear.


"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system, please call back or leave a message after the tone" the recorded voice spoke. The phone beeped and Harry started his message, "Hey Louis, it's Harry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Um...Liam, Niall, and I are on are way. Okay, uh...stay safe. Bye." And I hung up the phone.

"He didn't pick up." Harry sighed, putting my phone back into the cup holder.

"Shit..." Harry mumbled "Liam, are we almost there?"

"Uh..." Liam took a quick glance out the window "we should be there in about 30 minutes."

"You'll think he'll be okay, right?" Harry asked, hopefully.

No one said a word.
hey y'all :D
i need to pee so bad.
how do guys feel about
the zerrie break up?
i mean, i don't really
care because i never liked
zerrie. i mean, i have nothing
against perrie i just never
liked them together.

also, how do you feel about
louis "conforming" the baby
rumors? because i think it's
all bs. he never said anything
he said "it's an exciting time."
he said nothing about:

so yeah. plus she's out parting
and drinking and i think Modest!
is gonna make it look like she
lost the baby, like in some
"tragic accident"

also, did any of you notice
how when zayn official dropped
Modest! zerrie broke up?


lol anyway, that all ily guys

-Lex xxx. ❤️

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