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Ok, sooooooo my phone was confiscated so I'm writing on my computer. Sorry if the format's a bit different! Now, I hope you enjoy the story!


Again and again and again... WHY do those damn heroes have to constantly separate me from what's mine?! I need Izuku back... He's my prized possession, my beautiful trophy, a perfect doll who needs me the way I need him... 

I. Can't. Lose. Him.

I need to retrieve him. The spy... I text them, and their response tells me that where he's being held is now a closely-guarded secret. Only the teachers know, and their lips are sealed. I desperately text them back, asking them to ask their homeroom teacher, to which they hesitantly reply, "Ok."

For several days after that, I receive no response. That is, not until yesterday, when the spy texted back that they overheard the teachers discussing a chamber deep underneath UA, located on floor -X. With this, I have the crucial information that will help me retrieve Izuku. I thank them and begin laying the groundwork for my plan.


This thing in my mouth is really bothering me. I have to wear it when the scientists come in, but when they leave, there's hardly anything else to do with my mouth. All I can do is mutter Dabi's name like a mantra, hoping that, in some miraculous turn of events, he'll come to save me. I can't lose faith. I need to trust him... Just like I always have; 

With my life.

He's always saved me before. I just really hope that he can find me when I don't even know where I am right now...

An annoying creak snaps me out of my thoughts as a guy with spiky red hair, who appears to be around my age, walks in. "Hey, Izuku!" He says way too cheerfully. He's up to something. CLEARLY. Is he a scientist? Maybe... But they didn't put that thing in my mouth. Then... who is he? 

"Who are you...?" I ask cautiously, glaring at him. "Y-you don't remember? C-c-c'mon...! This... You're joking... RIGHT?!" Oh... he's like that Uraraka girl... "Sorry~ I don't remember anything~!" I say in the most sickeningly sweet voice possible as I smile. Instead of screaming more or yelling at me, which are some of the most rational options, he begins crying silently as he sits down on the ground, crossing his legs like a monk and giving me a gentle but sad smile.

Why... why does that smile both infuriate and soothe me...? "W-well... My name is Eijiro Kirishima. My quirk is Hardening, so even if you bite me, I won't get hurt!" That's no fun. I scoff and glare at the wall. "Ummm... Does that... bring back any memories?" He says, scratching his cheek. Memories... of what...? Something flashes in my head; A guy my age with spiky red hair, the exact same voice as Kirishima, the exact same hairstyle, and an annoying appreciation for manliness and manhood.

Suddenly, my head begins to throb violently, causing me to scream at the top of my lungs. This is the worst pain, so unbearable that I hate it. I want it to stop. I want it to end. If I killed myself, would it end? I try to claw at my chest and pull my heart out, but my hands are numb from being cuffed and chained. Through my blurry eyes, I can see a concerned Kirishima escorted out of the room. The scientists file in as my mouth is filled with that annoying little bar again.

Everything goes dark as people call out and I fall down.


Ear-piercing shrieks sooth my ears as I walk across the concrete floors of -X floor in UA. Like a map, they lead me to Izuku, who's being held in a large chamber. His wrists are cuffed and chained to the ground as scientists inspect him. In his mouth is that little bar which we both hate so much. 

I quickly burn all the scientists to ashes and pick up Izuku, who's as limp as a doll. The heroes are powerless to stop me as I make a circle of flames around me and Izuku. But one person gets through. Eijiro Kirishima. A Hero Course student with an immensely annoying hardening quirk.

Using his quirk, he dashes through the flames and attempts to punch me with a hardened fist, but I block it and attempt to kick him in the stomach. Unfortunately for me, every part of his body is hardened, so my hits have little to no effect. My hands are tied because I can't afford to drop Izuku, so I do the next best thing and run through the flames, to which I have an immunity. I push my way through heroes and scientists, guards and all other personnel as I desperately send Kurogiri our location.

A portal opens up in front of me, and I jump through it, skidding to a halt and yelling at Kurogiri to close the portal as fast as possible, before Kirishima or anyone else might make it through. To my relief, no one else makes it through, so me and Izuku are safe.

We're back together at last, but those heroes are too intent on separating us... Well, they can't separate us if they can't reach us...

3rd person:

When Izuku woke up, Dabi told him his plan. It was a desperate plan, but, as Dabi said, "It'll keep us together... FOREVER." The smile on his face was slightly sad, but it was filled with a mild ecstasy. He was happy at the prospect of this plan coming to fruition. Izuku mimicked his smile and hugged him tightly, crawling into his lap. "Then... One more time?" He said, with a sort of begging gleam in his eyes.

Dabi smiled happily and kissed Izuku. "Of course, my darling." He and Izuku fucked until midnight. Izuku woke up the next morning and smiled sadly. "I won't miss this soreness..." He chuckled. Dabi sat up next to him and hugged him from behind. "Me neither~."

After a shower and breakfast, they gathered everyone and informed them of their desperate gambit. Toga and Shigaraki cried quietly as Kurogiri's face fell. All for One's expression was unreadable through the monitor. "You both will be missed. That much is sure." He said after a while. "Y-you're really set on doing this? On... on leaving all of us?" Toga sniffled. It was rare to see her expressing any emotion other than happiness genuinely. 

Izuku nodded sadly, caressing Dabi's hand, which lay on his shoulder. Shigaraki's sadness was clearly too deep for words. One last hug between all of the members who were physically there. One last conversation before Dabi sent the heroes their location via Izuku's old phone. One last day together before Dabi and Izuku left it all behind.

End of chapter.

So~! Can you guess what happens next?! Well... I'm not gonna spoil it for you, but I think it's a bittersweet ending. And yes, I did say ending! Sorry about ending this series so soon, but I'm running out of ideas to keep this going. My initial plan was to make this chapter the finale, but I thought I'd write one last chapter and maybe, just maybe, an epilogue, before rounding off this series.

Admittedly, this has been a pretty short run, but I'm glad that so many people have already read it. Thank you for the support, and I'll see you in the next chapter~!

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