chapter one, skateboarding

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Third person pov:
It was a lovely day where there were teens walking or talking with there Friends to school, Well it wasn't so lovely for Bruce, Bruce Yamada was the most perfect kid in the whole school. He was popular,smart, and even pulled both genders! But that what's everyone thought, of course they were true! But did they really known Bruce's life? No did they, only Bruce does. Bruce was at school like normally talking to his friends or whatever until he stopped and saw someone coming towards the school and oh boy..  did that boy looked gorgeous! Well to Bruce but who cares? Bruce only cares right?

I was bored as usual walking with my friends, sounds fun but in my opinion not really. Why am I'm saying this? I'm Bruce Yamada the kid every kid wants to be friends with! But if I'm bored with my friend why can't I hang with others? Well first people would go crazy if I just looked at them and they think just because I hang or talk with them they feel like there "popular". Its not like I care, but I haven't met anyone who actually likes me for me, not someone who likes me for popularity. My group was talking, laughing, and smiling. While me in the other hand I was walking, not smiling neither laughing because I was never really included in there conversation. I should dump them but that would cause me to be alone and WHO WANTS TO BE ALONE?? Definitely not me.

I looked around things I saw and I saw one particular person that caught my attention, his curly hair, blue eyes, baggy clothes, and lastly skateboarding. If you know who I'm talking about then you would of guess it, it was vance hopper. I kind of looked at him but people say it's wrong to look at him, because once a kid looked at him and next thing you know that kid was at the nurses office, God knows what vance did but all I know was that I needed to know vance, I sound crazy! But really vance looks like a cool dude who wouldn't mess with you until you mess with him. Who knows I might come with a new Friend or my ass beaten up.

Another day of school, another day of killing my self. I deeply hated school because what was the reason going? If your just gonna learn shit and forget it and learn it again. Well I went because I had nothing to do, and if I wanted to say at home I could but if you had famliy problems then you would of known that it's best to leave then stay at home. I skated my way to school knowing i would get shit stares asusual but who gives a fuck? I don't so no problems, but if they stare too darn long then it would take a trip to the nurses for them and a trip to the principal office for me! Yea no. I'm not wasting my beautiful time for just some horny shit heads.

I got to school, yay! Imm abouta learn! Fuck this bullshit man whoever made school will see me under there bed, unless there dead cuz of how old ass fuck they are, I was doing some tricks and God knows if I got stares but ok? So ? Fuck yourself  but I looked and saw one person that I didn't think would stare but they did anyway, it was Bruce, Bruce fucking Yamada man. That kid is one of the most popular kids but I didn't care,
I do what I do and bruce does what he does for a living. But he just kept on staring.. did I have something on my face? Did he had a problem with me? I wouldn't wanna mess with his face and make plenty of his bitches mad at me and try to kill me in my sleep.

I stopped what I was doing and I looked up to see bruce smiling, Bruce's eyes and my eyes locked eye contact and he looked shocked and quickly looked away, huh werido but whatever? I went over to the bathroom to hangout for a while instead of going to my classes. A few hours have passed and I wanted to smoke until the door opened and I saw not other then Bruce Yamada.

[Couple of classes later......]

HELP HE SAW MEEE! WHAT IF HE THINKS IM A CREEP!?!?!?!? I couldn't stop thinking and I was in class! I should be the smartest student and pay attention! Well that's what MY mom says I guess, not me. I couldn't stop thinking of what vance thought of me so I asked if I could use the restroom and gladly the teacher did let me go, if your the smartest or atleast good the teacher will be on your good side and have a good spot for you. But if your one of the kids who isn't the best, then consider yourself in the teachers bad side.

Once i left the room i went straight to the bathroom and i my expression went to a nervous look to a shocked,panic look. Why did this happen? Well because someone that i DIDnt want to see was VANCE HOPPER!?!?! WHY MEEEE !! I WILL LITERALLY END MYSELF RIGHT NOW.

Bruce went straight to the stall and locked himself, he was panicking amd scared if vance was going to do something to him but thankfully he didn't.
Shocking right? A tough guy like vance could easily crush Bruce like a piece of paper but vance didn't, and he doesn't know why he didn't.

Bruce heard the door opened and someone leave so he thought that vance had left, bruce opened the stall and he went to the mirror he saw a figure standing beside the door with a cigarette, oh no Bruce was in trouble.. or so he thought.

" isn't it the Bruce Yamada, perfect boy?"
"Huh? OH ..." "yea oh.. why were you staring at me? Do you have a problem with me or something?" "What.? No no no ! I just was um... amazed by uhh.."
"Come on.. speak up."

Bruce was scared to say what he thought  because he deeply wanted to say of his looks but he knows he would get punched and rumors going around calling him a fag, so he thought of something else.

"Uhh because how good you skate..?"
"Yea mhm.. your lucky I don't Want to punch that perfect face of yours Yamada." "I eh uh.. why are you even here vance..?" "What? I can't he here now?" "No no! Now what I meant ! I didn't mean that I'm sorry please don't be mad I didn't mean that and-" "Ok calm down ! I knew what you meant" "Oh okay sorry." "Yea well I'm here because I can why you here?" "I couldn't focus" "Huh sounds werid are you sick?"

Vance then got closer to Bruce and was centimeters away from his face touching while Bruce was panicking from how close they are, bruce couldn't think straight, God knows why.

"Hmm why are you red brucey..?" "Uhuhuhyh ..hmyea?." "brucey?" "What huh oh sorry!" "Bruce stopped saying sorry? You didn't do anything"

Vance backed away and washed his hands before leaving.

"Hey um.. if you really liked my tricks uh I could maybe teach you?" "Oh sure please!" "Well good to know you Yamada, bye" " you too vance..bye"

Vance left Bruce in shocked and vance was acting like nothing happened but deeply down his heart felt werid he couldn't be gay.. right?

Bruce was still processing was had happened and forgot about class so he quickly went off to class and act liked nothing happened, no one would know what happened except Bruce and vance..


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