chapter 15, arcade fun

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Vance was playing on all the pinball he saw and he says it felt like heaven. Bruce on the other hand was playing the claw machine because he loves getting stuffed animals and especially by winning them! Bruce was getting mad and kicking the machine by the time vance arrived where Bruce was at. "Umm ya alright bruce?" "This piece....shit shit SHIT FUCK THIS!" Bruce yelled particularly jumping and kicking around like a crazy person. "Ay watch yo language kid there's kids here!" The worker yelled out at Bruce and before vance could say anything Bruce already did, I guess sometimes Bruce doesn't always need a vance next to him. Bruce walks over to the worker and says, "well fuck them kids and fuck you too" the worker seem disgusted and that's where Bruce flip him off and came over to the sake claw machine and started mumble random shit. "Well.. fuck you too Asian bitch!" Ugh the worker couldn't shut up! Well now he would. "Ay watch what you saying dickface or your shitty talking mouth is gonna land on your mom pussy" "my mom died?!!?" "Well suck her old ass crusty pussy bitch" well I mean the worker had it coming if he didn't stop talking and talking! The worker finally let go and stopped talking and annoying them while Bruce was still raging over a stuffed dog he wanted so bad just because he says it's cute. "Look let me try" Bruce let vance amd step aside to watch how vance will fail and get even more madder then Bruce was.

Bruce watched carefully how vance managed to get the stuff animal and saw how it fell it the box, vance got the prize and hold it by one finger looking disgust by the stuffy dog. Bruce was smiling but deep down he wanted to shave off that wig of vance and make him drink gasoline so he could light up a lighter and feed him to it causing him to burn. Bruce was mad how vance got the stuffed dog he has been trying to get for the past 30 minutes of his precious time. Vance noticed Bruce and smirked knowing how funny would it be to annoy Bruce but at the end maybe he would give the stuffed animal or maybe not? Who knows.

Vance thought of messing with Bruce so vance thought of shaming Bruce for trying like 100x while vance took the first try to grab the stupid little toy. "Oh my goodness! Look at my new stuffed animal THATS A DOG VERY CUTE AND AMAZING YES I WONDER WHO WANTED THIS SHIT" "Shut the fuck up" "aww is brucey mad that I got this very ugly stupid dog stuffie and what did you get? N O T H I N G!!!" "suck dick bitch" "loser loser loserrr!" "Whatever I don't even like the toy!" "Yea yea whatever here you go cry baby" vance threw the toy at Bruce face and immediately fell to the ground but instead of Bruce leaving the toy there he got down to pick up the toy, while Bruce bended over to pick up the toy a few guys walked passed him and started to look at Bruce like almost admiring his body and especially his ass, oh but did vance like this? Fuck no! He was flaming like a cheeto already but he had to keep his cool in the quietest way possible so bruce wouldn't know. Vance looked up at the guys and gave them a glare while gesturing 🤜✋️ the guys reaction were priceless because once they saw what vance had showed they showed a shock face and ran out of the building within minutes trying not to get there little tiny smelly stinky asses kicked,  especially by the vance hopper

Bruce looked up to vance and vance was smiling at Bruce like a angle which Bruce thought was awfully werid but that didn't matter all taht matter to him was his new stuffed animal that he gladly named,"ay you named that thing?" "Yes but it has a name and its not called IT!" "Ok... what the name?" "Vancey jr" "are you serious bruce" "amazing name right!" "Whatever you say" Bruce saw the clock and it showed it was 2:30 already so he thought they should get going now. "Vance come on its 2:30!" "Noooo... I didn't play on all the pinballs!" "Next time come onn!" "nooo!" Bruce thought of something that would make vance come with him and maybe even a little red. "Aww vancey I can't go alone..?" Bruce said facing face to face at vance while making a smoochy voice. Vance looked at him and his face was an upside down smile, "stop-p looking me like that!" "What do you mean? I haven't said anything" "your eyes!" "Aww am j making you nervous?" "I never said that-t!" and his cheeks bright red so he grabbed Bruce hand and dragged him out of the arcade leaving Bruce giggling away like a kid being dragged for making to much many noises. The boys waited for vance mother to show up and she did but not in a way you would think of. "Wassup dawgs get in the back" after vance and bruce got inside Ms hopper looked at the two and was confused, "bruce did hopper do something? He seems red?" "Ohhh why don't you tell her vance?" "Shut up!" Bruce giggled at the though of making vance hopper blush sounds crazy right!

But thats were bruce realized he might have fallen a little to hard but no worries! Vance fell harder.



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