chapter 7 What did i do?

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I walked to school still feeling butterflies in my stomach and once I saw him I got even more butterflies.. I know me and vance are fake dating but I think.. no! Vance is straight! I'm straight! This is okay because we are just two dudes like wassupp dude! But sometimes I wish it was more then that.

I saw vance on his skateboard and when he did a flip I saw which board it was, it was the one I got him for valentines! I looked over and saw robin and finn so I decided to go up to them! "Hey guys!" "Why dont you look at that!" "Ugh what do you want?" "Um what do you guys mean?" "You know what you did don't act dumb!" "Can't believe you said that about us Bruce, I thought we were friends" "were? We arent??" "Ugh come on finn Bruce thinks we don't know but the whole school's knows what he did."  "But guys i!" And they left me there talking by myself.. what did I ever do?

I forgot about them maybe they were having a bad day? Or maybe they just didn't want to talk to me! I walked over to vance to maybe ask him what did robin mean by everyone knows what I did. "Hey vance! Um why did robin-" "Oh cut it Bruce. If you didn't want to be my friend then you could of told me!"  "What-t ! Do you mean? Of course I wanted to be your friend!" "Yea well I thought we were." And vance then gave me the skateboard i gave him."here have your money back so you dont say you wasted your moneh on me" then he walked away from me, what did I do to make my friends mad at me??

I was annoyed the whole day thinking that I lost all my closest friends by something I don't even know of. I only had one more class and I could leave this place, I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep.

My last class was art, my favorite class that I had to fucking have with vance. I don't even think he is coming tho! He misses every class so I don't think- "hello vance welcome! Take a seat" ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW. "This subject will be about painting your emotions." Oh well that will be very easy! Because all I feel is FUCKING USELESS PIECE OF SHIT.

everyone started painting even vance but I couldn't think of anything. "Bruce you know what your doing?" "Oh um yea I just don't know what to paint.." "paint how you feel right now." "Ok.." as the teacher left I did what she has told me to do and thankfully I hope I finish early!
In maybe like half a hour i finshed and when I saw what I did I was shocked honestly.

" as the teacher left I did what she has told me to do and thankfully I hope I finish early!In maybe like half a hour i finshed and when I saw what I did I was shocked honestly

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The teacher passed by and she saw my drawing that I drew. "Oh! You drew that?" "Yea I guess.?" "Interesting..see me after class." "Uh okay ms." I felt nervous what did she want me for? AM I GONNA GET RAPE? WHAT NOW! I DONT WANNA DIE! NONONONONO...

when the belled ringed I went packed up my belongings and stayed behind the others students because the teacher wanted me to stay a little longer.. what If she wanted to do something bad to me and no one would know because it's the last class.. "Hey bruce !" "Oh um yea ms?" "I wanted to tell you that I know you didn't say those words." "Umm say what words?" "Umm you know the rumor you have been saying about your friends?" "Ok how does the teacher know but not me and it's about me?!" "Oh well some kid said you were trash talking about vance and your other friends and how your only there Friend because you felt bad and you were bored" "I did not say that! Who said that?" "Moose." "Oh well thank for telling me.." "yea well Goodluck!" "Uh huh ok.."

How the fuck did the teacher know the rumor everyone is talking about but not me?? Of course it had to be moose! But why did my Friends believe him.. did they not trust me? Well I can't do anything anymore, I lost the people that I care the most. I lost my Friends and boyfriend, well I would say fake boyfriend but to me he is my boyfriend and I guess I am his ex-fake boyfriend.

The movement I got home is the movement I started to burst in tears. "Hey bruce- oh what happened?" "Nothing mom." "Let me guess vance broke up with you.?" "What no!" "Vance cheated on you?" "Mom it's nothing about vance! Stop blaming him!" "Well why are you crying all over the place your shirt is dirty now!" "It's nothing you wouldn't know!" "I'm trying to help but whatever go and cry to your room like a lost puppy!" I rushed in my room and jumped on my bed in tears. I couldn't sleep all night. I cried and cried and repeated this over and over again until I cried so much my head hurted and eventually fell asleep.



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