Chapter 6

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"What the hell?!"

Should he know this chick?

"It's the parasite's interest...She's Anubis' avatar." Khonshu's words don't quite rise into a question, but it's only a single note away from doing so. He's surprised. Shit. This one knows Steven then? Fuck, why hadn't he summoned the suit? Too sure he could deal with this one without it, could blow off some steam with just his fists and a bubbling pit of vengeance boiling away in his stomach, ready to explode and erupt from him. Fucker deserves everything he had coming to him of course, had to in order to catch Khonshu's attention enough for Jake to get involved. Because that's what he's useful for; he takes the jobs that even Marc would hesitate to do, to put down the bastards who're just too fucking dangerous, who won't stop no matter how many time you kick the crap out of them.

"Steven." Yeah, no questioning that she knows the soft underbelly of their system, is there? The alter that doesn't know he's an alter so there's no way in fuck he can ignore this, nor can he just saunter off...can he? No, the chick'll see Steven again at some point and demand answers he won't have, and it'll make everything uncomfortable. Steven's the one who's not supposed to know about the system, the one who's kept safe and comfortable and ignorant. Which won't happen if Jake books it now.

Plucking his hat off his head so that he can cast a hand through the sweat-slicked curls of his hair, Jake huffs out a few choice Spanish words which Steven's interest (as Khonshu so delicately put it) clearly doesn't understand by the narrowing of those blazing red eyes. He'd not gotten a good enough look at her face before the suit had come up (black and sleek looking; that'd make stealth a fuck ton easier for him if he had that one), but he imagines she's pretty enough.

"Not Steven, sugar." He likes to imagine there's a cute little nose scrunch under that mask of hers. He gets a face covering, she gets a slick little mask that sticks ever so slightly out, like the muzzle of jackal-headed god he guesses. Hey, he might not be as into it as Steven, but it'd be fucking stupid to be running with gods and not have a rough idea which one he'll be tangling with if it comes down to it.

"So I'm supposed to believe Steven ahs an American-Spanish twin that gets into fights in back alleys at stupid o'clock?"

"And you're out at stupid o'clock why, doll face?" At that, those glowing red eyes narrow that little bit further, fists clenching and her muscles tense. Huh, he really could go for a good ol' tangle now; those thighs look like they'd be fun to get between and he's sure he could manage it with a wrestle. Not exactly the right environment for a friendly scrap though, is it?

"I'm asking the questions." And there's a wicked curved blade being pointed his way now. Where the fuck had she pulled that one out from?

"We got time to chat?" Jake asks, not quite looking at Khonshu because there's a pissed off woman with a sharp blade in front of him and chances are good she knows how to use it.

"The last job can be Marc's." Well shit. The only jobs Khonshu gives Jake are the ones that he'd have to bully Marc into taking and it's kinda Jake's job to be the one who accepts the short end of the stick and get shit done. That's the whole reason Marc dreamed him up. Well no, there was more to it than that, but it sounds a sight better that way, doesn't it? But, if he doesn't sort this out, then Steven'll take the hit for it and that could put the whole system in danger, what with Marc only being aware of one of his alters. Shit shit shit.

"Start talking." Anubis' avatar instructs, probably assuming he'd been talking to her and yeah, fair enough. Does she know he's an avatar too? Does she have an equally bastard god demanding she jump so high?

"We've got DID."

"DI – what?" At the very least, it has the avatar slowly lowering her weapon, head tilting to the side as if weighing up how truthful he's being. Jake takes the opportunity to swipe his tongue along his teeth, gathering up the last of the blood and spitting it out. The busted lip will already be half healed now but like hell does he wanna be spitting blood longer than he's gotta.

Upon His Mountain - Moon Knight x Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now