the train

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eddie followed bill through the bus, looking for a compartment. then bill stopped at one and sat down next to wait ben?! "ben!! Bev!! mike!! stan!!" eddie said joyfully

he sat in between mike and stan

he was so happy that his friends also got in. he was worried it would be just him and bill. "hey eddie and bill!" bev smiled. eddie smiled back and bill waved 

stan was asleep and mike was looking out the train window. it was a beautiful view

the train was still picking up more kids and they talked for a while until eddie couldn't help but ask. "umm. guys?" eddie said

"yeah?" said mike turning to him from the window

"where Richie-?" eddie said, worried. to be frank. eddie noticed that Richie wasn't there at the time he first stepped into the compartment, he was really hoping Richie would be there.

Mike shrugged and stan woke up and sleepily said that Richie was going to be a little late on the train. 

eddies shoulders relaxed

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