Treasure ~ part 2

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ELVEN RUINS - Unknown destination

They were walking in silence since their last conversion. They didn't want to talk to each other. They both were thinking about what they said. Mostly questioning everything, especially Gabriel. Ciri was walking in the front and Gabriel was couple meters behind her. They entered into some huge hall. Ciri didn't wait on Gabriel's permission to continue and she continued further without him. She suddenly heard something.
"Did you hear it?" she told him uneasily.
"What?" he told her still behind her. The noise started to be stronger.
Gabriel narrowed his ears.
"You're right. There is something.."
"I told you."
The noise started to be more clear when they were getting closer. The sighs were bouncing of the high walls.
"It sounds like two people fucking.." Gabriel laughed.
"Don't be ridiculous." Ciri rolled her eyes.
"Why not? Maybe some lovers are hiding here so they could be finally united properly.." he told her teasingly.
"Only in your dreams you pervert."
"You don't like the idea? Don't you?" he was smiling like a peacock.
"Is there any minute where you don't only think about sex?" Ciri smirked. "Because you.."
Suddenly Gabriel put hand on her mouth so strong she couldn't make any sound and pressed his body towards her back. Ciri enjoyed his presence maybe five seconds when she came back to mind and she elbowed him into his stomach. Gabriel stifled a painful sigh and pressed her body towards him even stronger.
"Don't speak. Scolopendromorphs are here.." Gabriel whispered to her ear. Ciri started moving and tried to escape from his arms.
"Cirilla, we need to be quiet." he told her seriously. She tried to move again but he stopped her by squeezing her arms properly.
"Look at the ground, it shakes slowly. I'm not making this up."
Ciri protested with moving but after couple of seconds she gave up and started looking at the ground. The ground was shaking as Gabriel told her. But only experience witchers were able to see that little shaking. She was again surprised how good he was. She didn't notice it at all.
"We need to be quiet if we don't want to provoke them.." he released his embrace a bit.
"And those weird sighs from the other side are not helpful right now. We should.."

"Ouch!" Gabriel almost screamed when Ciri bit his fingers. He pulled away his hand from her mouth and Ciri used his inattention to escape from his arms.
"Are out of your mind? The Scolopendromorphs could hear me!" Gabriel looked at her angrily.
"You shouldn't have cling me the way you did. Maybe then I wouldn't had to bite your hand." Ciri crossed her arms when she turned to him.
"Just speak quietly, alright?" he frowned.
"I'm not the one who is screaming here like a little girl." she faked her smile. Gabriel's anger started boiling inside him. In that moment he wanted to kill that woman.
"Come" he came to her and angrily caught her arm. "Try to walk like me and don't protest this time. I'm not really in mood to have fight with Scolopendromorph." he started pulling her with himself. Ciri frowned but didn't say a word. She followed his moves.
"Who has teach you all of this?" she asked him quietly while they were walking. She only read in books about Scolopendromorphs but never met any of them.
"Who do you think?" Gabriel said angrily then he paused. "Coën.." he said in more softer way.
Ciri didn't want to ask more. She knew it wasn't the right time to talk about so sensitive topic for him.
They were walking in silence again.

"How are you feeling?" Geralt softly kissed her cheek.
They were sitting on the ground. Yennefer was leaning over to his chest and witcher had wrapped arms around her.
"Happy, weird, worried and tired.."
"Explain to me." the witcher caressed her hand.
"I don't remember when we were so intimate as today.. I felt so connected to you. We were truly making love.. and it was amazing." Yennefer smiled.
"That was beautiful explanation. I'm happy I could be part of it." Geralt said a teasingly.
"Geralt, I'm trying to be emotional and you just making fun of it." she frowned.
"No, I'm not." he laughed. "No, really continue. I want hear more."
"You made me forget on everything for a while. I could finally turn off my head and just be with you on some time. Just you and I that's all what I wanted.. What I needed it."
"I needed it too. Only you. Your presence without thinking about the past or a future." the witcher smiled.
"But you know this haven't solve anything? Just delay our current problems?" Yennefer laughed a bit.
"Yen, don't ruin this moment."
"Don't use my own words witcher." she turned to him. "We should go." she kissed him on his lips and then stood up.
"I thought were gonna have a second round."
"Fine, I'm coming."
He had to try it.

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