Drunken night

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"Hello beauty.." He said with flirting voice.
The woman turned to him.
"What did you say?"
Lambert cleared his throat. "I said you're beautiful." He tried to smile.
"You think I'm ugly?!" the woman got angry.
"What? No, I didn't said that.. I.."
She interrupted him. "Piss off you pervert!" She turned to leave.
Lambert was staring at her unbelievably.

"Well, that's exactly how to not flirt with a woman." The bard put his arm around his neck and laughed.
Lambert pulled away bard's arm from him and turned to him. "I haven't said nothing wrong. She was just exaggerating."
"Look, Lamby.."
"Do not call me like that." The witcher warned him.
"Alright, then Lambert." Jaskier smirked. "You definitely need a lection in flirting with a women.
"Maybe, but I will definitely not take it from you."
"Do you know someone better with women?"
Lambert opened his mouth to answer.
The bard was faster." Well, you don't." Jaskier started smiling. "And as I heard you really want a woman tonight.."
"This is waste of time. I'm leaving."
The bard stopped him with his hand. "No, wait. Just let me give you some advice."
Lambert sighed. "Fine, I'm listening."
"Alright, so first advice, please for the love of God don't go to women like you've done minutes ago ever again."
"What? Why? I came to her normally.." Lambert was defending himself.
"No, you came towards her like some settler. "
"No, I didn't." Lambert frowned.
"Yes, you did. I saw and heard what you told her and I wanted to vomit."
Lambert frowned again.
"And do you know why?"
"No, try to surprise me." Lambert told him sarcastically.
"Your Aura was totally dead in that moment." The bard crossed his arms.
"My Aura? Jaskier what the hell are you talking about?"
"Yes, your Aura. Your Aura needs to be sexy. Every woman needs to see that the Alfa man come to address her and not some fool without any manners."
"I was sexy.. or I tried.."
"Definitely not if she ran away from you."
"She didn't run away from me."
"Really?" The bard raised his eyebrow.
"Okay." Lambert rolled his eyes. "What else should I do?"
"Start to look attractive finally.." Jaskier started rolling up Lambert's sleeves.
The witcher angrily stopped the bard's hands. "What are you doing?"
"Will you let me finish?" Jaskier gave him angry look.
The witcher nodded.
The bard then rolled up his sleeves. "Your muscles need to be seen. How do you want to impress some woman when she can't see your best parts?" He told him teasingly.
"I'll kill you if you'll tell this to someone.."
"I don't think this will happen." Jaskier made cheeky smile. "Now your hair."
"What about my hair?"
"Well, they look like a chicken coop.."
The witcher gave him a death stare. "I like my hair the way they are."
"If you want to seduce a woman you can't have your hair like a bird nest." Jaskier leaned closer and he was ready to combed the witcher's hair.
Lambert stepped away from him. "Do not touch it." He warned him.
"Let me." The bard combed his hair. "Well, it didn't do miracles but still better than what you have before.
Lambert frowned.
"Now that last thing. The smell."
"The smell?"
"Yes, the smell. You can't stink like a an old troll."
"I won't go to wash myself now."
"But you need to be smelling wonderfully in front of woman. Why do you think Geralt still wears some fragrance?"
"Because Yennefer insists it?"
"That's true.." the bard admitted. "But the real reason is Yennefer hates a stinky men. So, you need to get rid of your smell now."
"How? I don't have any perfume in my pocket."
"Thanks God I do." Jaksier took a small bottle from his pocket and poured it on Lambert.
The witcher started coughing. "Bloody hell, that's awful!"

Geralt was laying over the wall and laughing so loudly. He was watching how was Jaskier giving lecture to Lambert. Thanks to his witcher senses he heard everything what they said and his pause from the dancing couldn't have better timing.
"Why are you laughing stranger?" some woman suddenly appeared next to him and caressed his arm.
Geralt's smile froze in that moment. He cursed that he didn't noticed her.
He turned to her. "Do you need something?" He tried to be polite even though his head was sometimes like a rollercoaster.
She leaned closer to him and whispered to his ear. "I need you."
Geralt stiffened.
"I don't think it's good idea. I can be really dangerous." He stepped away from her.
"Splendid." She purred. "I like dangerous.." She threw herself into his arms. "Come with me and we will find some quite place.."
Geralt then realized what she wanted. Thanks to alcohol in his veins he wasn't thinking so clear as he wanted.
He quickly pulled away from. "I'm sorry, but I can't."
"Why?" She gave him sad and confused look at the same time.
"I'm married."
She raised her both eyebrows. "Really? Then where is your ring you loyal." She crossed her arms.
"It's on my hand.. where else it would be." Geralt proudly showed her his hand and when he noticed it, he just stayed puzzled.
"Look, I don't know who you want to fool, if me or only yourself, but you're not succeeding at all." The woman laughed.
"What? I don't understand. It was here recently.. I swear I put it here." The witcher started searching his pockets.
"I think I do understand. That's how the marriages ends.." The woman made amusement smile. "First it's just a lost ring and then it ends up with divorce." she said with laughing.
Geralt face's got white it that moment. If Yennefer will find out he lost his ring.. Now he knew that annoying woman wasn't too far from possible truth.
"I need to go." Geralt stated suddenly. "Farewell." He looked at her and then he turned to leave.
The woman stopped him with her hand. "But I can help you get your stress out. Don't you want to rather try this?" She told him seductively.
"Believe me, I'm helping you right now. Because if my wife would find out you tried to seduce me, broken neck would be your last concern."
"Why the hell you didn't tell me your wife is crazy?" She told him angrily. "I wouldn't have to talk to you at the first place and waste my time on a lost case." She rolled her eyes and left from him.
Did she just call him a lost case? Geralt buried that thought and reinvented himself in the reality. He needed help. He needed Eskel. He needed to find him immediately.
"Eskel! Eskel, where are you?!" He started shouted his name at the whole Tavern.

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