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"I thought they managed to reach at least their own rooms.."
"Clearly not. They are in the same position as they came here." Yennefer crossed her arms.
"Three of them together always ends like this." Triss shake her head.
"I really wonder when this will stop to surprise me." Yennefer said honestly.
It was early morning and they were staring at witchers. Lambert was sleeping on the floor. Eskel's and Geralt's heads were resting on the kitchen table. Ciri was sleeping on the chairs connected to each others and Gabriel were under it. All of them had a strong hangover.
"Should I wake them up or will you?" Yennefer's eyes flashed.
"Will you make them suffer?"
"Good." Triss laughed. Suddenly her stomach rumbled. "But I think I'm starting to be hungry." she was trying to smile.
"I'm hungry too. Let's make breakfast then." Yennefer stated and went to prepare something for eat. Triss didn't protest same as her stomach.

Ciri was woke up by some noise. She opened her eyes to see what was happening. She noticed Yennefer how she was cutting the onion on the table and talking to Triss. She managed to sat down but in that moment her legs hit unknown object on the floor. The object murmured something. She narrowed her eyes to see better and noticed that it was just Gabriel's hand. He was sleeping like a wood. For couple of seconds she wondered how the hell he got under the chairs. Then she tried to stood up but her head spun and her stomach twisted. She somehow started walking to the table but she wanted to vomit with every move which she was making.
Suddenly Yennefer appeared in front of her and gave a pail into her hands. "Sweetheart, come to sit down please. You're not able to walk now."
Ciri just nodded and Yennefer helped her walk to the chair.
"How are you feeling?" Yennefer asked her when she was already sitting on the chair.
"Very bad." Ciri in the moment started vomiting to the pail in her hands.
"It's okay. Let it out." Yennefer caressed her hair.
When Ciri stopped with vomiting she looked at her. "Are you angry on me?" She said sadly.
"No, I'm not." She caressed her face. "You're clever girl, that's why I know you will learn from this."
"Well, I already know I won't drink ever again." Ciri stated and then she vomit again.
"You can drink, but more wisely. I will teach you how to do it without getting the hangover." she laughed a bit.
Ciri raised her head. "Please do, because this is torture."
Yennefer smiled. "Get up, I'll take you to the bed. You need a proper sleep on it." She helped her to stand up. "And Triss is already making you a potion, you will feel much better then."
"Thank you." Ciri told her honestly.
"Always Ciri." She kissed her daughter's forehead and they left upstairs.

Yennefer softly kicked into his body with her foot.
He slowly opened his eyes to see what was happening.
She knelt down next to him. "Gabriel, did you give Ciri the drugs?"
He gave her confused look. "No."
"Okay, I wanted to be sure. And just between us, do not use it in front of Geralt. He is very sensitive on these kind of things." She started to standing up, but Gabriel managed to stop her with his hand.
"How did you know?"
"I'm master in alchemy, I quickly recognize when someone is using something." She answered calmly.
He made a thoughtful face.
She smiled a bit. "Now go to your room if you don't want to be pour by cold water." She stood up.
He looked at her confused again. "Yennefer, why are you helping me?"
"Because sometimes even lonely wolf needs a little help."
He managed to stand up and then tried to stand straight. The hangover hit him hard too. "But I'm not a wolf." He tried to hide his sadness, but his eyes betrayed him. She noticed it.
"Well, that's only up to you, isn't it?" Yennefer told him with challenge in her voice.
Gabriel was staring at her couple of seconds, then he turned around without a word.

Yennefer waited until Gabriel left, then she said the spell. Suddenly the water poured out on the witchers.
"Fucking hell..!!" Lambert immediately jumped on his legs. Geralt almost fell down from the chair and Eskel just opened his eyes and then closed it again. He continued in sleeping like nothing happened.
Lambert noticed standing Yennefer in front of them.
"Did you lost your mind?!" Lambert was almost yelling. He didn't like the unexpected things, especially wake ups.
Geralt just narrowed her eyes on her. He wasn't able to do more now. His whole world was spinning around, even his own wife.
"Which one of you got my daughter drunk?" Yennefer crossed her arms.
"What? What the hell are you talking about?" Lambert's tongue tangled.
"You heard me." She told him calmly.
Lambert was trying to say something but he lost his balance and fell down to the floor.
"Yennefer.." Geralt almost whispered. His whole head was pinching. "I need.." His voice failed.
She ignored her hurting husband and continued. "I asked you something. Who got my daughter drunk like that?"
"I don't know.." Lambert sighed from the pain in his head.
"Yennefer.." Geralt again tried to call her name.
She turned to him. "Darling, I know you want the potion from me which will stop the hangover, but until you or Lambert won't tell me what I'm asking, you won't get that lovely potion." Yennefer faked her smile. "And I'm not counting Eskel because he's clearly out."
"I swear, I don't know it.." Lambert sighed.
"I don't believe you." Yennefer stated.
"Please.." Lambert sighed painfully." For the love of God gave me that potion!" He begged her.
"I told you my conditions Lambert. The potion isn't for free."
"Geralt, tell her something!" Lambert was getting frustrated.
"He won't help you Lambert." Yennefer smiled under her nose.
"Fuck. Just stop this pain in my head!" I will do anything. I swear! Only give it to me!" Lambert was hopeless.
She stood up above him. "Rules are rules witcher." she then went to confused Geralt sitting on the chair.
Lambert cursed.
She raised his chin with her finger and looked into his eyes. "Do you know who got Ciri drunk?"
Geralt just shake his head.
"Alright then, you both chose your destiny." Yennefer shrugged her shoulders. "Enjoy the hangover."
"No, no, no.." Lambert's voice failed.
Geralt gave her terrified look.
"Don't worry love, tomorrow you will be like a new." Yennefer kissed his forehead. "I promise." She winked at him and then left from them. She said the spell and the water was poured on them again.
She heard how they started cursing.. Her mouth shivered in smile.

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