Vanoss x H2ODelirious

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This is an example one shot that I thought I'd post :3 it's a Vanoss x H2O Delirious one shot so here ya go! Btw word count- 1265!! Yay!!

Another successful robbery Evan thought to himself as he sat on the barstool with a glass of scotch in a hand. He looked around his large kitchen, seeing Basically, Lui, Mini, and Wildcat messing around with some playing cards, trying to stack them into a penis. He let out a soft chuckled and moved on.

Evan got up and walked to the door way of his living room. Cartoonz sat next to Droidd, Nogla, and Moo watching some pointless game, each beers in hand. Again, He moved on.

He began to walk down the hall. When he got to a certain door he didn't know if he wanted to open. Delirious's room.
Oh, Delirious... I wish you could see how much I love you...

Evan let out a heavy-hearted sigh. The insane clown was the greatest thing I could ask for in life, yet I couldn't bring myself to make him mine. These feelings were starting to giving Vanoss a headache...

"Why are you just standing there?" Evan looked up quickly, noticing Jonathan standing with the door open.

"I uh, I wanted to talk to you..." He spoke unsurely. Jon nodded and motioned the nervous man into his spacious room. Evan then decided he had to just come right out and tell Jon his feelings.

Jon, along with the rest of the gang, live here. Some have their own room, like Basically, Moo, Cartoonz and Droidd. Others like to share rooms, like Wildcat and Mini, and Lui and Nogla. Together, they all made up the Squeaker Squad, one of the most feared gangs in Los Santos.

Vanoss, the leader of this gang, now sat almost shaking from how nervous he was feeling. Why? Because of Jonathan. Evan was so scared of rejection, but he was also scared of these new feelings he had developed.

He softly ran his fingers on Jon's blue bed sheets, sighing again. He began to look anywheres else in the crème room except Delirious' deep, baby-blue eyes.

"What did you need to talk about, Ev?" Evan smiled slightly at the nick name.

"Uh.." Evan began, looking down at his feet.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? No judgement," Jon gave him a reassuring smile as he sat next to him.

Evan nodded. "What would you do if you thought you, no, knew you were in love with someone, but you didn't know how to tell them?" Evan let out a deep sigh and crossed his arms over his chest, as he sat with his eyes closed.

Jonathan sat there, damn-near heartbroken by the sentence that came from Evan. I knew he didn't love me, so why does it hurt so much... As much as it hurt Delirious to say it, he wanted to help the man he loves be happy, even if it wasn't with him.

"I'd take the chance of getting hurt and just tell them. If I really loved them, I would want them to know that they are special enough to me for them to know I love them..." Jonathan trailed off looking at the dark wood floor beneath him.

Evan looked up and smiled at the masked man next to him. "You're right, infact, I'm gonna text them and tell them right now. Evan pulled out his phone and began his text.

Jonathan sat with a fake smile on his face. They don't know how lucky they are to have his love... His thoughts were cut off by his phone buzzing. What the..? He pulled out his phone with a confuse daze still present.

Jon reread the text a thousand times just to make sure it was real.

I love you and I thought you should know ;)

When he finally looked up at Vanoss, he realized how close they were. With four simple words, he could feel the happiness weld up inside him. "I love you, too."

Without thinking, Evan crashes their lips together. It was more passion then either man had experienced before. Not even the high from a fresh kill and robbery could amount to the feelings of ecstasy that ran through their veins.

When the two had finally pulled away for air, both were panting. Evan gently pushed Delirious down on the bed and climbed on top, straddling the masked man's hips. Their lips re connected in an act of lust mixed with a deep caring for another that one would call love, something both men didn't think they could ever have. Especially not with eachother.

Hands roamed and grabbed at clothes. First at shirts, then pants. Soon the pair was left in only their boxers. "You don't have to do this," Evan spoke as he stared lovingly into those sweet, baby-blue eyes.

"Believe me, I want to. I've wanted to for a while," he reassured with a soft laugh. He leaned in and began to give rough kisses onto Evan's lower neck. Evan took advantage of the situation to rip off Delirious' boxers. Then he sat up some and just studied Jon. He studied Evers curve and crevice. Every muscle, even the small freckle he bared near his lower right hip.

"Stop staring at me, it's weird," Jon suddenly felt self conscious. First,Vanoss had removed his mask. Now he was staring at him, a hungry look in his eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Those three words made Delirious blush as a small smile came to his face. He then removed Vanoss' boxers and kissed him again. Vanoss grabbed the lube and a condom from the bedside table drawer near them. He rubbed the lube over his hands and readied one of his fingers at Delirious' entrance. The smaller man gave a slight nod, signaling for Vanoss to continue.

Evan slowly pushed one digit in and moved it at a slow but steady pace. He then added another and scissored his fingers deep into Delirious, allowing him to be stretched. Delirious let out soft moans as his head leaned back and his arms were wrapped around Vanoss' shoulders. "Please, Van... I need you," Delirious whimpered out needily.

Vanoss had removed his fingers and began to apply lube and the condom. He soon had lined himself at Delirious' entrance and began to move slowly, giving him the time to adjust.

Delirious was experiencing an odd, and slightly uncomfortable, feeling. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good. "Faster, Ev," he spoke unsure. Evan sped up more and thruster harder trying to find one spot he knew would trigger an explosion inside of Delirious.

Delirious had leaned back, finally feeling a small bit of pleasure. He liked this and he knew it would only get better. Once Evan found the spot, he knew by the way Jon had moaned out, quite loudly.
Jon didn't know what that was be he knew he needed it to happen again. "Oh, God Vanoss. Again, please," Jon was a moaning, whimpering mess. He hadn't prepared for it to feel like this. It was more amazing than he had imagined it.

Evan knew neither of the two would last long. He felt himself reaching his peak and it was coming fast. Soon with one final thrust, both men had reached their climax and sticky, white mess had covered Jon's stomach.

Evan pulled out and flopped beside Jonathan, pulling him close. He spoke softly, but it held all the meaning know the world.

"I love you."

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