Moo Snuckle x Reader

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Hello!! Welcome to a normal Moo one shot XD I'm so sorry about that crack thing but tbh it was fun so I'll probably do another if you guys want lmao but this is for the beautiful great amazing @earlybirdfan ^.^

But anyway

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And as always I hope you enjoy! 

Word count: 1086

Y/N's pov

I lay with Brock, my boyfriend of the last three years, on the hood of his car. We were enjoying the peaceful time just between the two of us as the sun dimly lit the sky as it set. Brock and I had been through so much since we've met but somehow overcome it and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

No words needed to be exchanged between us as him kissing my forehead and me kissing his cheek were sufficient for our wordless conversation. His arms tightened around my waist as he sighed contently.

"I love you, Y/N." The first words to be spoken in quite some time.

I smiled at the goofy blue eyed boy before me. "I love you, too, Brock."

*****(*cough* presented by 50% off by Octopimp)

"What do you think about marriage and kids, Y/N?" Brock's question surprised me.

I raised an eyebrow and took my hands out of the dish water and properly dry before responding. "Well their both thoughts for the future one day, right?" I smiled at him.

He blushed and looked at his lap nervously. 'What's up with him?' I thought before hesitantly going back to dishes.

*******(mhmmmp presented by..... DEEZ NUTS HAHA GOT EM *accepts golden globe, Nobel peace prize, Emmy, Grammy, and gift of my mothers love*)

Brock's pov (a few days later)

I chickened out okay! Don't judge me! Sigh, cmon Brock get a hold of yourself. You can do it... Tomorrow....

I want to make Y/N my wife. But I'm nervous.
I'm having problems!!
I decided to call her and see what she was doing.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice on the other end.

"Hey, what are you up to, love?"

"Laundry, waiting for the stupid rain to stop," I looked out the window. Sure enough it was raining.

"Awww want me to come over so we can cuddle?"

"I would appreciate that greatly haha," her laugh was like music to my ears.

I drove over and cuddled with her for a while and watched a movie until she fell asleep. 'Tomorrow.' I promised myself.

******(um presented by that one kid in your school who runs to lunch like naruto... That kid is unfortunately my brother..)*the next day*

I was back at my house looking out the window at the pouring rain. It was worst than yesterday and was now thundering a bit. 'Maybe I shouldn't ask her.. No you promised yourself today so today!' I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment. Thunder rolled in the background as my thoughts rolled along with it.

I had the ring in my pocket... I felt the smooth silver band and the small simple diamond in the center. Simple but beautiful just like Y/N.

My phone suddenly went off with a call from Y/N.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Brock! There's thunder!"

Aww I forgot Y/N's afraid of thunder. She's so cute.
"Aww do you want me to come over?"

"Please! Hurry Brocky! You know I don't like thunder.." I heard her say. I laughed a bit and told her I'd be right over. I grabbed my keys and the ring and took off.

Here's my chance. I'm gonna do it. She's gonna be my wife. I got in my car and sped down the road. The rain made my way a bit clouded and difficult to see but I was still speeding a bit.

I took the ring out and looked at it again when suddenly I heard a horn and there was a big light and then it was silent.

*******(uhm I'm sure by this point you're having a feely fit so I'll just spare you and let you continue...)

Y/N's pov

I hung up with Brock and hid in my pillow fort I had made. Thunder was not my forte. I sighed and snuggled with my blanket. It smelled like Brock since he was over yesterday. I smiled tony self and closed my eyes. A loud boom of thunder interrupted my thoughts. I looked at my phone. It's been like 20 minutes. Where's Brock? I tried to call him but it didn't go through. 'Hmm that's weird.' I started to get worried but decided panicking wouldn't do any good. I began to pace a bit to get my mind in order. 'I hope Brock is okay..'

**********(this is presented by the way I spell hopssifgishrle. That is all.)

3rd person pov

The on-site ambulance looked at the scene before them. The rain was washing away bits of glass and metal along with the crimson blood from the paved road. One car turned completely upside down, the other on its side.

One technician spoke into his wallow talkie to report the incident. "..just two cars but they're totaled.. Yeah both drivers were crushed on impact.." 

They had the bodies covered on the gurneys and we're currently being taken to the hospital to see if there was anything they could do but the chances were looking slim.

*****(hours later) (presented by Daddy Tamiki of Ouran)

Y/N sat worried as she watched the news. 'There was an accident, but there's no way that Brock was involved, right?' They cut to the scene and Y/N's fears were confirmed when she saw his car crushed and totaled upside down. Tears welled up in her eyes as she brought her knees up to her chin and cried. She didn't know what else to do.

suddenly her phone rang. She answered to a very distraught voice on the other line. It was Brock's mother. She decided to go and see her. On her way over, she felt numb.

When Y/N arrived she was hugged heavily by the fragile woman. "Y/N hunny," she pulled Y/N at arms length. "He was going to propose." The small woman spoke softly. "There was a ring by his hand when they found him.." She pulled out the simple ring that Brock had picked out. Y/N's eyes widened with tears as she clutched the ring in her hand and cried. She slipped the ring on and whispered "Yes.."

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