Author's Note

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Here we are again, another ONC! This is always a fun time of year. This year I am going for another funny, heartwarming story. I love a good redemption story as much as the next, and who better for this wild ride than our favourite trickster god, Loki... And kids. Can't forget the kids! This is not a children's story, but it'll (hopefully) provide a laugh or two and maybe some tears???

We all know (or maybe we don't) that I have a penchant for mythological beings. I was debating on challenging myself by writing something new (would you believe I briefly considered horror??), but then I saw prompt 73, and the rest was history. 

I am going slightly off-script with this one because Loki's "High Priest" will actually be kindergarten teacher Will Patyon (Mr. P). And, because this is Loki, there will be snark, there will be jokes, there will (perhaps) be a trick or two, and, of course, he has to fight some good ol' baddies and save the kiddos. I am super excited about this story if you couldn't tell ;)

I am a queer writer who writes stories with diverse characters. My stories and my profile page are safe spaces for everyone, and Loki and the Kindergartners Save the World, I hope, will be the same. 


The prompt:

#73 - you are a long-forgotten god. A small kid leaves candy at your shrine, and you awaken. Now, you must do everything to protect your High Priest/Priestess, the kid, and their entire kindergarten class, your worshippers. 

Final Word Count: 30,598



Would you like a playlist to get in the zone? 

Warriors - Willyecho

The Fever - Foreign Figures

Survivor - State of Mine, Eva Under Fire

Throw Me to the Wolves - Future Royalty (Loki's theme)

Renegade - Zayde Wolf

Miracles - Zayde Wolf, HOVDING

Heart of a Hero - Club Danger

Protector - City Wolf

Hell and Back - Self Deception


I hope you'll enjoy Loki and the Kindergarteners Save the World!

Loki and the Kindergarteners Save the World (ONC 2023)Where stories live. Discover now