Part 8

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You laid in Johns arms for a minute. But then there was a knock at the door. John sat you down and politely answered the door. "Hello?" "Who are you?" "My name is John." "And why are you in this house?" "Um because-" "Because he lives here." "Oh (Y/N) Why dose he live here." your brother asked(If you don't have one just replace it with like A guy friend) "Because He's my boyfriend." you hugged Johns side and he put his arm around your your upper back. "Okay I want to get to know him can I come in?" "Sure John come here." and with that you and John went into the living room with your brother you sat at Johns side leaning against his side. "So your dating my little sister." (Agin plz go with it -('.')- ) "Um yes sir." "So um don't try anything I'm a veteran I know how to fight." with that John reached in his shirt and pulled out a chain with 'tags' on it. "ex special forces, two tours in Iraq and also an ex navy seal and marine(IDK it just sounds bad A$$) I'm petty officer John 1170." The expression on your brothers face was priceless "Im no longer active but can be deployed if need be." "So you know what your doing huh." "Yes sir." so-so Um s-sir." "please don't call me that." "Um okay." "WAIT I NEVER KNEW I WAS DATING A BAD A MARINE NAVY SEAL THINGYMABOBBER! why didn't you tell me!" "Because. I didn't want to be treated different for killing people." "Don't worry John it's fine I still love you." with that you snuggled closer to him. "Well now you just half to meet out parents." "You wouldn't already did their expecting you tonight for supper." "what's wrong?" "My dad doesn't approve of nobody." "~(• _•)~"
You walked up to your parents door step and rang the door bell.

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