Part ten

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As you were helping your mother when You were greeted by John as he told you that Your dad wanted to see you. So you walked inside the Living room and sat in front of your dad. "So (Y/N), You seem to have found a nice young man. Tell me how dose he treat you?" "Like loyalty dad, He always makes sure I got enough to eat, He's always nice.!" "Well that's good, Your brother said he lived with you." "Yeah, His house burnt down to the ground so I said he could crash at my place and that's when he asked me out." "Well that's good because I need to know more about him because right now I don't like him." "John!" "Yeah." "Come here please." "Yeah." John sat beside you and held your hand. "Son tell me what did you do in the military." "I-I don't like to talk about it." "What did you do in the military son." "Dad if he doesn't. want to talk about it-." "I-It's fine." "What happened that is so bad when you served." "I was on patrol with my squad when we got ambushed, We were order to fall back but I was pinned down and my team ran towards me. I treys to tell them to go back. but they were gunned downed and all because of me." you three were silent for what seemed liked hours. you ate with John and your parents when some one walked in. "Mom,Dad!" It was your little sister. When she walked in her eyes immediately focused on John. "(Y/N) living room now." "Fine." You and your sister walked in the living room. "Whose that hot guy?" "He's my boyfriend." "Not If I Can Help It." "He's mine not yours." "Well see." and with that you went back and saw John in his black , tight T-shirt. you saw your sister enter the room and fell on purpose and John saw her dove and caught her. This mad you mad as all heck as they looked into each other's eyes. "Are you all right miss?" "Yeah thanks to you." John helped her up and you walked up to her. "Hey back off my man!" "He's not yours!" "Yes he is!" "Hey what's going on?" "She wants to steal you away from me!" "He deserves better than you like me!" "Really, John who would you rather date me or her!" "You Know how I can never say no to-" "Oh really than-" "I can say no to that!" "Look I'm dating (Y/N) so can't cheat on her or never could break her heart." "Yes!" And with that your sister walked out defeated and you hoped in Johns arms. That night was pretty hectic. But little did you know you were getting into Johns head and was know all he thought about was you and only you and now loved you very very very much. and you loved him as well.

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