Part 9

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The door opened and there stood your mom."Oh (Y/N) so great to see you and Hi nice to meet you." "Hi miss (L/N) how are you on this fine night." "I'm fine please come in." you and John walked in and were immediately confronted by your dad. "And who might you be." "Hello sir I'm John nice to meet you." John stuck out his hand. your dad gladly accepted and shook his hand. "Honey I want to talk to John Alone please." "Okay daddy but please be nice." "okay pumpkin now go help your mom." with that she walked off into the kitchen. "So John I'm Commanding officer frank (L/N) and you are?" "I'm John." "your too built to not have served and I can see those tags in your shirt." "I'm petty officer John 1170 sir." "Ah so you did serve, well now how do you treat my daughter?" "Well sir I your going to half to ask her that sir." "Okay son, Go set the table will ya." "Right away sir." "thanks and get (Y/N) for me." "sure thing sir."
Sorry this ones real short Ill make the next one 500 at least its 12:09 and I'm tired cya later.

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