~ Chapter 3: the foot attack part 2~

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Hey everyone so I'm going to change a little bout y/n I'm going to be used she/ they now and she going a tomboy still but she is soft on the inside like a tsundere If you don't get what it means just look it up but anyway I might get to carry way with the story so if it's long then that's my bad 😅


They didn't't know that was foot soldiers right behind them and the soldier grab April and shout and y/n saw she tried to help her but then a another soldier grad her and they but grad by the hair and drag them and they saw the rest of the hostages one they heard " just stay down!"  Foot soldier said " get over there" another soldier said then they heard a gunshot they tried to quack down but the soldiers put they hair back up " keep moving"  a foot soldier said they keep hearing like " keep your hands where I can see them!" Y/n and April looks around and see people get push around and falling on the ground and look at the other side seeing people get push on the ground some of them are huddling together "move to the side" foot soldier said and y/n saw putting bombs between the people " they bombs April" y/n said to April and the soldier said "shut up" and put her hair again  and they got push down next to old lady " no on moves"  the soldier said and they walk away and the saw the woman standing in the middle and said " we know you're out there" she looks around and keep talking if you don't surrender we start executing hostages." As the soldiers keep pointing guns at them. In Y/n's mind " is she talking about the turtle at the docks."  The foot soldiers saying "get your head down! Don't move!" As the girl keep looking around for anything as for April she slowly gets her phone and the old lady see what she doing same as y/n the lady keep saying "Don't! Don't do it!" But she didn't listening and y/n said " April what are you doing we are going to get caught! Don't you dare it" but she still didn't listening to us. Then at the worst time she phone wasn't on silent at all. The woman heard it and saw us then she point the gun at us " you two! Stand up!"  She walk towards us and right on cue a train is arriving and some said all aboard [ distant screaming] the soldiers as the woman looking around and she know they were  here and she scream something Japanese as she said the lights were out as the train went by fast the woman was shooting at them and the things jump from train and they are fighting the soldiers and of them slam on her on the wall and she was unconscious they were whooping and laughing and y/n almost saw everything but the flash was too bright she saw the soldiers are throw to the walls and April was recoding everything then of the things throw soldier to the train widow " that's right" the thing said the soldier was throw to the lights the woman was waking up " like a shadow, bra." The rest of the things keep fighting the foot soldiers " how do you like that." As he keep punching him( idk what to do if i wanting to put thing or he so I use use both) as one of them kick a soldier crops the floor then hit the wall they went to the pipe " let's go! Let's move!" April and y/n was amazing and in shock y/n's mind " there is more of them! I can't believe it so I wasn't dreaming and i did saw that Turtle at the docks As they got up and went to the pipe " they went up that way!" Did you see that?' Female said "here, here they climbed up here! Right here. Some kind of freak!" The male hostage said April and Y/n ran to the pipe "There were couple of them! " Whoo Right past me!'male hostage said " they saved us!" The male hostage 3 said. April ad Y/n ran past the people and Y/n saw the soldiers tired up as the cops show everyone was running past people the swat team rush down the stairs to secure " Let's go, guys! Both sides!' The swat Leander said April and Y/n keep running to find out were they gone to Then Y/n found the pipe "April i found the pipe! Over here." Then they heard voices "April you hear that are those...voices." Y/N said " I did that. I swipe that room." Voice one said " April the voices are coming up there." Y/n points up to the roof so Y/n bought the stairs down and the voices keep talking " Yeah, boys, bring it in." Voice 1 said that was amazing, You were incredible!' Voice 2 said " great elbow Donnie." Voice 3 said as they keep running the voice keep getting louder and louder as they stop "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about. This is our city! These are our streets! Voice 1 said April and Y/n stop and look at other and they both nodded at other " You mess with us, you step into the Wu,whoo,Tang! Voice 4 said as they climb the ladder April was on the right and Y/n was on the left side " Oh, yeah! Did you see that guy jaw connect with the concrete?" Voice 1 said " He'll be drinking out of a sippy cup for months!" Voice 2 said when they get to the top they see.... Turtles " Ah, that's what I'm talking about, brothers." Voice 1 said and April is get her phone out to take a picture of them " Like shadows in the night, complete unseen. As April takes the picture the flash was on. As they do a high-five but they stop when they saw the flash. Y/n gasped " April your flash is still on." Y/n whisper harshly to her " what was that?" Voice 4 said " its a carmen flash." Voice 2 said " We know its a camera flash." Voice 3 said " who's behind the camera flash?" Voice 1 said as they keep whisper to other " By my calculations its two girls." Voice 2 " Now we gotta kill them." Voice 4 said "What?" Voice 2 " With kindness!"voice 4 said " umm April I think we should get going before we get killed! Now lets go!" Y/n said to April they both start climbing down the ladder " Give them some flowers, earn their trust. voice 4 said " I got this" voice 1 said "Raph no,no,no! Come on!" voice 3 said the chain was around their waist and they both got pull up [ screams] they hit the ground hard [grunts] April holds her arm and Y/n holds her head " I'm going to feel that in the morning" Y/n mumbles as April is panting they look around what chain them one of the turtles them jump is front of them " Give me the camera" voice 1 said " Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice." voice 4 said for Y/n try not to laugh the turtle looks at her then look away from her as April and Y/n looks at his feet and look up.

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