V ; Lose Your Mind

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Rain has been hitting the surface of the car for a while now and the windows have to be constantly swept so that Hyunjin can see in front of him.

The boys lost the traffic for a couple of minutes now and they are now at the entrance to the Lincoln tunnel which will take them to their dream destination: New York City.

Some of the tallest buildings, colorful lights that bring the place to life, constant sounds that remind us that we are never alone, breathtaking landscapes, well-known landmarks and unforgettable events, New York always had a lot to offer and never ceases to amaze.

The two boys had the goal of reaching Manhattan and start their nocturnal adventure with a little exploration of the places, and then, a shopping session in the big deemed boutiques of the city.

They drive for a while with both a confused look on the face-because of what is ahead-until the taller one starts slowing down to end up completely stopped.

- You gotta be kidding...

Minho looks at Hyunjin in silence. He doesn't understand what is happening either but, once again, the two find themselves blocked.

The swarthy taps the car's steering wheel with his index, demonstrating a certain impatience. He puts his elbow on the edge of his door to rest his cheek on his fist.

He tells himself that waiting must be a good idea. What else to do anyways?

- I feel like we'll be waiting for a little while here...

- Don't be pessimistic, I'm sure we'll arrive at the end of the tunnel at the snap of a finger. Plus, it must be around 10PM so I don't see a reason why the traffic jam would last longer.

Minho nods and starts observing what is around them while waiting, his hands under his thighs.

They sigh in harmony before letting themselves slide a little bit on their seat.

Five minutes pass, and ten, and fifteen but still no movement.

- No way...

Hyunjin's complaints resonate in Minho's mind, but he starts realizing something and his expression slowly changes for something more concerned.

He sits up correctly on his seat et turns his head to the taller one, immediately catching his attention.

- Hyunjin, watch attentively the other cars...

The swarthy first frowns, obviously in pure incomprehension, but he does as he was asked to and turns his head towards the cars in front and on the side.

He squints his eyes and attempts to find a difference or what is wrong. After a couple of secondes, he turns to the dark blond haired one again and shrugs.

- I don't get it...

- All the other cars are completely dry... Ours is the only one that is still wet.

Minho turns his body to take a look behind them, and then removes his security belt before pursuing.

- Wait for me here, I'll go check on something.

- Hey, where are you-

The sound of the door shutting can be heard and suddenly, Minho isn't in the car anymore.

Hyunjin bites his lips in a somewhat nervous way as his eyes never leave the smaller one's silhouette that is getting closer to the car in front of them, in the other lane; the left one.

He lightly knocks on the passenger's side's window and seems to open his mouth to let out some words but he stops right in the middle of his sentence.

He makes some gestures with his hands to get noticed but the driver doesn't seem to want to give him his attention.

At least, that's what Hyunjin testifies.

- What the hell is he doing...

Hyunjin whispers to himself, his eyes locked on the other one.

It's only when he sees the older one hit on the vehicle's window in a bit of a more aggressive way that he raises his eyebrows and immediately gets out of the car, walking towards him.

- Minho, what the fuck's gotten into you!?


Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now