Chapter 35: A New Realm

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NO POV a month or two months later

"Hello, this is Geno. I may be busy at the moment so please leave a message and I'll call you back! Goth let go of the phone! *BEEP!"Reaper hears on his phone

"Come on, Gen...Pick up..."Reaper mutters

"This number has been deactivated. Please try again later or a different number."He gets in response

"No..."He mutters

He checks the list and teleports to Geno's soul. He finds himself now in a dark cave. He takes a few steps before hearing a screech. He glances down to see a small, feathery beast with shades of purple to black covering them. A large beak released a loud cry as its eyes squint at him. He summons his scythe in alarm. What was this thing? And what was it shouting to? He can't risk other beasts finding him, he's supposed to find his family. He raises the scythe but froze, remembering the last time he found an animal on a search like this.

And how close he came to the wrong decision.

His scythe clatters on the ground and he frowns. The little beast screeches again, backing away from him.

"Hey....Don't worry. I won't hurt you."He says, extending his hand

The beast only cries louder. Then before he could react, he was knocked to the ground with two long fangs inches from his face. He is face to face with a larger beast that had a loud growl rumbling in his chest. Two long horns came from its head, feathers shaded with greens and blues. The beast roars in his face with glowing white eyes, raising a sharp claw but then froze.

"Hey, sorry bud. I didn't mean to scare that lil guy. I'll leave you alone."He says

A growl rumbles from their chest and Reaper quickly caught onto the fact that this is obviously the parent of the smaller one.

The beast raises a sharp claw to attack him but froze when sniffing for a moment. A familiar scent caught their attention and the beast gets off of Reaper, still growling and glaring. The smaller one hides under them, who growls at Reaper protectively.

 The smaller one hides under them, who growls at Reaper protectively

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"See? Harmless. Now, may I check your souls? I'm looking for my family."Reaper says, getting up.

The hostile roars that he got in response clearly told him no. But Reaper did it anyway, scaring both of them. He gasps when he saw the souls staring back at him. The hostile one is Geno with the smaller soul nearly complete. The smaller beast was Goth.

"Geno....Goth...Darlings! It's me! What happened to you?"He exclaims

Goth grabs his scythe in his mouth and flees, Geno following after him.

"Come back!"He exclaims, running after his family

He tries to fly after them but somehow his wings felt heavy, making him face-plant into the floor when he tries. He loses sight of them but continues to search for them. He needs answers, worrying terribly about what happened to his family. He finds them huddled together, examining his scythe. They communicate through distorted hoots and whimpers, discussing something he could not understand.

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