Chapter 19: Deals and Madness

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An hour or two later

"REAPER!"I yell

"Yes? The challenge is completed now."He says

"I was joking! You didn't have to take it as a challenge!"I tell him

He smirks.

"Oh but where is the fun in that? You look adorable anyways!"He says, coming closer

"Please tell me you're done. I really want to sleep."I whine

He smirks, leaning closer. I pull the blankets around me. He puts a little hat on me, readjusting the necklace for it to fix properly. He smiles wider, seeming proud of himself.

"Why a hat? We're just going to sleep!"I say

He traces a finger along my chin, humming.

"I don't want to give the opportunity for more restraints to get you, like by your broken horns. Plus now you'll be cute and cozy. Wait, I forgot the most important step."He says

He takes the hat off and starts kissing what remains of my horns and the top of my head. The reason it took so long was not just the restraints on me that were tough to get by along with the wings, but also that he had 3 other outfits compared before he settled with this one. That and before he even started to put a piece of clothing on me, he'd kiss up and down the part of me that he was going to put it onto. Every side and every bone he could reach he kissed, making me squirm , my face burning and soul beating faster. By now my face feels like it's on fire and just wanting to sleep. He sets the hat back in place.

 He sets the hat back in place

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"Please, Reaper. Can we just go to sleep?"I ask, putting my hands together

He puts a hand to his chin, humming as he acts like he is thinking.

But my patience has run out now. I grab him and yank him into bed. I wrap my arms around him the most I could, forccing him under me and the blankets. I rest my head on him, looking up at him.

"Quit stalling. We're sleeping now!"I tell him

"I love it when you get assertive like this."He says with hearts in his eyes

I bury my face into his chest, dozing off.

I woke up to light shining through the blinds. I lift my head, feeling disappointed when I found myself alone in bed. Did I dream that all up? I shift onto my back, shaking my head. I glance down, seeing that I wore the outfit Reaper got onto me. Couldn't have been a dream. I smile once this thought settled. I try to get up, feeling my feet slip into some slippers. I glance down to see some fuzzy midnight blue animal slippers were set beside the bed waiting for me. I slip the socks off of my feet to feel the slippers cozily. I walk into the living room, hearing noises from the kitchen.

"Reaper?"I call out

My mistake. The moment I did so the chains glowed brighter and dragged me all the way back into bed. I hit the cushions and pillows roughly and groan, my neck hurting especially from the harsh pulls that nearly choked me.

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