1. Meeting her

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Namjoon Pov

And there she is.

I watched her as she continued to unpack boxes on her living room floor. Her windows were open letting fresh air in giving me the perfect view of her from my kitchen window across the street.

I saw her a month ago being guided by a relator around the house with a big smile on her face. She's new to the neighborhood and ever since I saw her, she never left my mind.

She was on her knees reaching in her boxes and taking decor out of them. My eyes trailed to the small of her lower back revealing a pink heart tattoo. She had ginger locs in her hair that compliment her honey brown skin so perfectly.

She's probably about 5'5 in height. I was washing dishes zoning out at her beauty. I wanted to know her name, her favorite places, foods, hobbies, her family...everything.

Snapping me out my thoughts my girl friend came walking in the kitchen. I flinched a little once she kissed my cheek and I played it off that I wasn't staring at our new neighbor.

Our beautiful new neighbor.

"Hey babe I'm headed to work, wanna grab dinner later when I get off or you want me to cook?" She asked wrapping her arms around my waist.

I dried my hands and turned facing her wrapping my arms around her waist. "I'm gonna be at the studio making some beats for this new rapper that just got sighed. Maybe another night." I said watching her pout.

She sighed then smiled up at me. "My man works so hard." She started proudly before kissing my lips.

I barely kissed back but I did it enough to satisfy her.

"I'll be home before midnight. I promise." I said assuring her.

"Okay babe, call me if anything." She said letting me go and twisting in her pencil skirt.

"I love you." I said to her as I walked her to the door.

"I love you too." She said back blowing me a small kiss.

I watched her drive all the way down the block before disappearing around the Corner before jerking my head back to the neighbors house.

Tori and I have been dating for two years now and lately.... Well a month lately...I haven't been feeling the spark anymore. Ever since I laid eyes on my neighbor. She looks exciting and her smile always made my heart skip a beat.

Her front door opened and I quickly opened my mail box to act like I'm checking it. She had 4 big bags of trash and box's in both hands and she stumbled a little trying to balance.

I found courage and looked around my surroundings to make sure nobody was looking. Well making sure Tori wasn't coming back. She tends to leave her lunch sometimes.

"Are you okay? I can get those for you." I said running up the small steps that led to her porch and squatting down to pick the bags up.

"O-Oh thank you! Thank you so much." She said smiling at me yet confused.

"I'm sorry my name is Namjoon, I saw you struggling and figure to help." I said with my hand stuck out.

I felt nervous seeing her beauty this up close. God she's beautiful.

God she's perfect.

"I'm your neighbor I live right there." I finished making her let out a small sigh in Relief.

"Oh nice to finally meet a neighbor. I just moved here. I'm summer." She said causing me to mentally moan.

Summer. I licked my lips at the way her name rolled off her plumped brown lips.

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