Mornings suck.

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A tan hand slammed down on the annoying alarm. Groaning the owner of the hand slowly sat up.
Dark brown eyes blinked open as she yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.
Glancing at her alarm she sighed "Another day. Another heartbreak." She said, and with that, got out of bed, grabbing her clothes and heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.
Undressing and making her way into the welcoming hot water she sighed in relief as her tense muscles relaxed under the waters gentle heat.
After washing she stepped out and started at her reflection.
Bags under her eyes, a defeated look to her features, a scar going from her right eye barely touching the right side of her nose. Her onyx hair laid lifeless on her shoulders as it dripped with water. 
To an outsider she would have looked like she had been studying all night for a test but in reality she had just spent another night crying over the girl she would never have.
Tears pooled in brown eyes before being wiped away with a black towel.
"No Blake. No crying yet." Came a tired voice that Blake sadly knew belonged to herself.

Dressing in her black skinny jeans and black Blink 182  tank top, along with black ankle socks she left the warmth of the bathroom and headed to her black combat boots, backpack, and grey beanie. She grabbed a poptart and headed out the door keys, in her left hand, phone in her back pocket, wallet in her front pocket and poptart hanging from her mouth.
Leaving her boots unlaced until she got to her Black Dodge. She saved it from the dump and brought to back to tip top shape.
Throwing her bag in the passenger seat and laced up her boots before even starting her car.
The beauty roared to life and Blake smiled slightly for the first time in weeks. "Alright Yang. Let's go." With those words she took off to the nearest Starbucks to get some much needed coffee.

Parking her car, Blake got out and walked to the door, opening it for a woman who seemed like she was on a coffee run.
"Thank you darling." The woman said and walked off.
Walking to the counter she ordered and waited for her Cappuccino to be made. The aroma of coffee filled her nose and almost made her smile. Almost.
"Large Cappuccino for Blake." Grabbing her drink and thanking the man she left and drove to school. Where her best dream and worst nightmare were under one roof.

Parking and exiting her car Blake ignored everyone as she made her way to her locker to throw her shit in.
Grabbing the books she would need for the class she walked off taking a long sip of her coffee.
"Hey sweetheart." She knew that voice, it belonged to her best friend, Stephanie.
"How ya feeling?" Blake shrugged not saying a word. She knew Steph was giving her a worried look but ignored it and handed her the coffee.
"Thanks." Was the reply, they kept drinking the coffee until they reached Blake's class. Steph said her goodbye but was given a nod instead of a reply.

This was going to be another long day.


Hey guys, thanks for reading the first chapter even though its shit.
I haven't edited anything so I'm sorry if this is crap.

I'll edit it later.

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