Trip to the hospital.

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"Ow shit you mother fucking pan!" I didn't even realize I was talking until I looked up and saw Megan staring at me wide eyed.

Well shit.

Oh shit.

Someone please tell me that I didn't just talk.

Megan stated at me, wide eyed and open mouthed. This can't be good.

"D-did you just talk?" I gulped and looked down at my sock covered feet, nodding my head slightly.

"Holy shit. Your voice." I blushed slightly.

I felt Megan's eyes on me while I looked down.

"Shit Blake, your hand!" I looked at my hand and realized I probably needed to go to the hospital. Like now.

I nodded and went to grab my keys, that is until a hand grabbed them before me.

"Your crazy if you think I'm letting you drive with THAT hand." I glared at her. That car is my baby!!

Don't get me wrong, I love Megan to death but there was not a chance in hell I was gonna let her drive my car.

She threw my shoes at me and pushed me out the door.
"Lets go slow poke. Your hand isn't gonna heal its self." It might actually.

She drove me to the hospital and we are currently sitting in a room waiting for a doctor.

Speak of the bastard, he walked in. He had brown eyes, he was balding and looked like an ordinary doctor.

"Alright let's see your hand." Dr. Frankly said as he took my hand and examined it.

The palm of my hand was a bright red while my fingers were a dark red.

"Well it's nothing to serious so I'll proscribe you a cream that you put on once in the morning and before you go to bed.

Well THAT was fucking lame. I could have saved him some time and just put some ice on it. It would heal either way. My way was just faster and better.

"Okay now let's go home and eat some tacos, I'm kinda hungry and that smelled amazing." Megan said as we made our way back to my car and my house.

I can't blame her, the tacos smelled amazing.

We drove back home in silence due to the fact I wasn't the one driving my car but whatever.

Okay that seemed kinda stuck up, but I love my car to death. It's my life.

Pretty much sums up my life.

We got back home and Megan forced me to sit on the couch while she prepared the tacos.
Seeing as I had nothing else to do I flipped through the channels until I stopped on a certain movie.

"THE LION KING!!!!" I heard Megan scream as she ran and sat beside me with the two plates of tacos.
I wanted to sing along but I couldn't, being semi-mute and all.

Megan sang along and we both started crying when Mufasa died.

"Scar you fucker!!!" I chuckled and watched as she threw a shred of cheese at my tv.

Well tonight wasn't a total suck-fest.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the long wait, I had writers block.

I edited this but if you see anything wrong let me know!

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