VI ; Traffic Jam

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Minho backs up a bit from the vehicle and turns his head to his interlocutor who's walking closer to him. The expression on his face shows he's just as confused as him.

- Hyunjin, this person is not gonna move.

- What are you saying, get your ass back in the car.

- Hyun', this man is paralyzed!

Hyunjin stops. His eyes widen and he frowns as he's assimilating the older's words.

He's not sure of understanding the situation to its full extent.

- How could he have gotten here then?

- See for yourself...

Completely silent, the taller observes for a moment Minho before he slowly gets closer to the vehicle.

He brings one hand near his face and bends down a bit to be able to see through the car's window a paralyzed man, holding the wheel with one hand, the other one resting on his left thigh.

Eyes glued to the road, he doesn't move from an inch.

Hyunjin raises his eyebrows but for a reason he ignores, he continues to analyze him just for a moment still. Something seems off.

- Hyun'...? What are y-

- Minho... This man is not breathing... He's not even blinking...

The taller one quickly stands back up to skirt around the car, passing from behind it. He opens up the driver's side's door, feeling a certain stressful feeling growing inside of him as Minho joins him.

Panicked, he clumsily lets out some words from his mouth, looking right into the man's eyes.

- Sir, are you okay? Do you need help?


No answers coming from the man. He is still not moving, but most importantly, he isn't showing any signs of life.

Feeling the panic and the stress invading him even more, Hyunjin completely forgets about the world around him and attempts something rational.

He lifts his hand and bends his fingers to only have the index and the middle one lifted up. He then brings his two fingers to the man's neck to check his carotid pulse but he feels...


He tries another spot.

Hyunjin takes the driver's wrist that was holding onto the steering wheel and presses his fingers on it.

It is in horror that he directly releases the man's wrist, making Minho jump in surprise.

- S-So??

He asks while slowly walking closer, wanting to see what was going on since he was standing a bit more far behind.

- He's dead!

Flabbergasted, Minho gently pushes Hyunjin to the side and gets closer to the immobilized man, verifying the case himself.

- How come he didn't even move? He should be face down on the steering wheel, right!?

Minho's words hit the taller one right in the face as he starts taking a look around.

- Min'... I think the situation might be more serious than we think...

He turns to the other cars in front. There must've been a hundred of them, all stopped too.

His heartbeat accelerates as he starts running to the next vehicle, Minho following from close.

He knocks on its window and then starts running again to get to the next one in front. He passes by at least five cars and the drivers's reaction confirms his doubts. He slowly backs up, letting a petrified expression be seen on his face, which Minho soon emitates after hearing the tallest's next words.

- They're all dead...

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