Part 4✨

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Anaya POV:

Debating myself whether i should cook or not. I decided i should. I checked the entire kitchen to see which things are available and only ingredient i could was for rice. I need to groceries but I'm scared to ask Shahnawaz because i know he will just lash out on me. I know i have to ask him because i don't want to starve myself.

After cooking, i decided to clean the house. Everything looks untouched. It's like noone lives here. I explored the house. The house is pretty big for a person living alone.

Whole house got 6 rooms 3 on the ground floor 3 on the first floor. Shahnawaz gave me the room on the 1 floor. Meanwhile he lives on the ground floor. Guess he wants to stay away from me as far as possible. Can't blame him for that.

I completely lost track of time and it was already dark. I don't know when Shahnawaz comes home so i was conflicted whether i should wait up or not.

Suddenly i heard car noise so i immediately ran outside to open the door.  Shahnawaz was about to get out the car to open the gate but when he saw me opening it he sat back inside.

Inside the house he threw himself on the sofa. He looks exhausted.
I asked
"Pani (water)?"
But no response came
I put the water on the side table anyways.
I went to heat the food for him and left it Infront of him and went to my room.

After sometime i came back The food was untouched but the glass of water was empty. At least he drank from water from my hands. It's enough for me. I put the food in the refrigerator and went to my room to sleep.

Next morning Shahnawaz left before i woke up. I have to talk to him about groceries. After i was done with breakfast i was so bored so i decided to visit my house. They are not going to check on me so maybe i should.

I went to my house. My mother opened the door.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just came to check on you"
"We are fine you can go now"
This broke my heart. I don't know why i keep on expecting from them.
"I need my stuff just give me some time I'll be out of you hair"
I immediately went to my room. Packed my clothes and books.  My phone wasn't in my room. I went to my mother to ask about it.
"Oh your bhabhi (sister-in-law) took it don't worry your husband will buy you a new one"

I stayed quiet about this remark and went to Shahnawaz house without meeting anyone. When i reached, Shahnawaz was already there and was eating food. He looked surprised to see me but didn't say anything. I put all my stuff in my room. After arranging my clothes in the wardrobe i came out to see food on the table. I felt something in my heart that he didn't ignore me. He could have but didn't.

I was eating when Shahnawaz came storming at me
"Did you enter my room?"
"Yes to clean"
"For the love of God i have told you 100 time stay away from me and my stuff. I'm already bearing your presence. Don't tick me off"

My appetite vanished. This time i didn't cry i was so tired of crying. I don't think i have any tears left. I just went to my room picked up a random book and started reading.

I guess i fell asleep because when i woke up it was dark outside. I went outside and Shahnawaz was nowhere to be seen. I guess he is in his office because there was light coming out of his office.

After gathering some courage i knocked at his office door and went inside. He gave me a death glare. He was going to say something but i cut him off .

"Before you say something just listen to me"
I was surprised he listened so i continued.
"Groceries are finished so we need to buy something i don't want to starve "
"So what am i suppose to do?"
"Either you buy the groceries or give me the money so i can because i have no money otherwise i would have bought it already"
"Ok we will go tomorrow"

Phew! that went smoothly. I'm surprised he offered to come along I'm kinda nervous too going with him. I am used to do groceries at my own home but I don't know about him what he likes or dislikes.
With these thoughts i drifted off to sleep.

Hope you like this Chapter.
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Peace out ✌️

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