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Wahab's POV:

I am taking dad's advice seriously and it is working. Ammara has been slowly getting comfortable in my presence. She sometimes even makes jokes. She is not funny at all. She made a scientific joke took me 10 minutes to figure it out. I laugh anyways.

My phone is ringing. It is Ammara. I instantly attended the call although i am in the middle of brushing my teeth.
"Hi"  A muffled voice came out of my mouth.
"Are you busy" i spit the tooth paste i will rinse my mouth after this call. She is more important.
"No not at all."
"I need a favor"
"Yeah sure" A hundred times yes. What ever she wants if it is in my hands i will give her.
"Can you take care of Zayn for few hours. An emergency came up at the university so i need to go there as soon as possible and i can not take zayn with me there and you are the only one who came in my mind." She remembered me in an emergency situation. Me! She counted on me.
"Just tell me the time and i will be there" Although i have a very important meeting regarding the next project i want to have Because the current one is nearly done. Looks like i am missing the project because there is no way i am saying no Ammara when she asked me for something. My dad is discombobulated why i suddenly cancelled Because i was the one who was pushing for a meeting with them but what can i say Love is Love. It makes you do crazy stuff. I ain't complaining i am loving every second of it.

I rang the door bell. I bought flowers on the way. I did not want to come empty handed to her house. I have no idea what sort of flowers she like or whether she even likes flower or not. I asked the shop keeper to let me make the bouquet. I took every flower available at the shop and put it in the bouquet. The size is gigantic because of too many flowers. Finally she opened the door.
"I handed her the flowers" She had trouble carrying it. Her face is completely hidden behind the flowers.
"Do not trip"
"From where did you buy this monster"
"I made it myself"
"Oh... That is cute" Her comment made me blush. Come on wahab knock it off. She called the flowers cute not you and here i am smiling ear to ear.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I will try to come as soon as possible"
"Yeah yeah take your time me and the little guy is going to have a blast."

I bought a train building set for zayn. I am so excited to build it with him. He is currently napping but Ammara told me he is going to wake up soon. I take my time examining the house. It is well decorated for a small home. There is cartoon figure drawing on the refrigerator. It is a no brainer Zayn made it. There is Z written at the bottom. I was completely oblivious to the surrounding when something touched my leg. I jumped up and let out a not so manly scream. The little cutie pie burst up laughing. I picked him up and start tickling him. His giggles made my heart skip a beat.

"Are you hungry?"
"No i ate before sleeping"
"What do you want to do?"
" plow" He said clapping his hands. I am assuming he meant play.
"Ok come with me" I took him to my car. I opened the car trunk. His face immediately lighten up when he spotted the toy boxes.
"Me?" He excitedly asked pointing towards himself.
"Yeah all of these are for you but do not tell your mother she will get angry at me for buying you so much stuff. Come on let's play with the train set and hide the rest of the stuff " He excitedly held my hand. Showed me his room so i can put the stuff.

I put the train set in the living room and start opening it up.
Zayn got up and hugged me and said "Thank you wohb" It is so cute the way he tried to pronounced my name. Building the train tracks is way harder than it looks. Zayn is building the tracks easily meanwhile i am a having a very hard time. I give up this is not for me. I didn't realize 2 hour has passed. I should get something Zayn to eat.
"Are you hungry" I asked him.
He nodded his head. What does a 2 year old eat? I have no idea. Ammara called to ask if everything is okay. I said yes do not want her to worry or to think i am incapable of taking her of a child. Yeah i should call dad.

"What do you give a 2 year old?"
"How am i suppose to know? I don't have a 2 year old kid."
"Well i was once 2 year old so you did took care of me"
"That was 21 years ago bold of you to assume i have that sort of memory. I do not even remember what i eat 10 minutes ago" Well he is of no help. Yeah i should Google it. Why did not i think of it sooner?

Eggs! Yes but how does he likes his eggs. Boiled hard boiled soft boiled. Scrambled. I settled open medium boiled egg. He ate it hungrily. I have succeeded in not starving Ammara's kid. What is this smell? It smells like a dog shat in here.

"Do you smell this?" I asked zayn. He shook his head. Of course he does not. He is 2. His smell buds have not developed yet i guess. I have no Medical knowledge. I did business in college.

"Poo" Zayn said. Oh i just realized he has soiled his diaper. Now how do i change a diaper. Again google for the rescue. I first need a cloth to cover my nostrils.

Hoping you like this chapter and guess please do comment it motivates me whenever i read your comments.

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