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06 : 23 am

"A divorce?", his voice rang in the silent living room. The documents tossed onto the table. "Are you serious?", he squint and I nod, staring at the floor. "Anastasia- look at me", he swat the table and I lift my gaze to meet his.

"A divorce? Are you fucking for real? You're throwing us away for what?", his face held a fearful frown. "For what?", I whisper . "Are you seriously questioning me-", I raise my voice. "Reece are you blind? The universe does not want us together-", I snap and he clapped his hands together, signaling me to shut up. "Fuck the universe. Fuck everyone. I don't give a fuck about anyone but you-", he grit his teeth. He had every right to be upset. After all I sprung this up on him.

"Reece you've seen the doctors report ", I sigh out miserably, placing a hand on the hospital papers laying beside the divorce ones. "I can't give you an heir. No kids-", I wave my hands in the air , trying hard to get my point across. "Anastasia- I don't give a fuck. I want to be here for you after the operation-", his frown deepened. I was not being difficult. I just wanted to get away from all this pain.

"I booked a theatre in England. I'm having this operation there-", I trail as he stood straight, placing his hands on his slim waist. "Again , I don't care. I will come with you baby", his voice soft and careful. He was trying his utmost best not to hurt my feelings. "Reece you're making this harder than it already is-", If I weren't tired of bawling my eyes last night. I'd definitely be sobbing again. Unfortunately I had no tears left. Not even a drop.

"I'm not fucking signing those. I need you ,Anastasia. You're going through a tough phase and I'm not leaving your side. Push me as far as you want. I refuse to move an inch-", he waved a warning finger. "Reece, we don't belong together. You forced this marriage. Trying to fix the past won't change the fact that I don't recall anything-", I rant . He was frustrating me by being so overbearing. I just wanted to be alone.

"I'm not leaving ", he raised a brow and I furrow mine. "Sign them ", I whisper and he shook his head. "I'm not fucking leaving you. I don't care if we don't have children", I know he was trying to make me feel better but he hit a sensitive patch within my soul. "I CARE!", my loud voice smacked the expression off his face. "I care Reece! I care that I can not have children! My memories were wiped! Half of my life forgotten and now this. Don't you see? We don't belong together!", he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while I tuck my hair behind my ears with jittery fingers. Being consumed by unstable emotions were unhealthy.

"I would have believed that if you hadn't walked into my office ", he whispered.

"Coincidence. I needed a job", I huff out .

"Anastasia, you have no idea how much I will bare for you", he stepped closer and I take a step back, making him halt. I didn't want him touching me. I'd fucking melt. "You are my everything. god knows I don't care that you don't recall how inlove we were -", he smiled , moving closer despite my resistance. His hands gently cupping my cheeks. "I love you-", he whispered and before I could give into his warmth. The words came out like vomit -

"I don't love you, Reece ".

I swear he froze. Brows slouching and eyes glistening with tears. His hands slowly drop to his side and I felt my heart tug just by seeing how lost he appeared. He knew I didn't love him, yet hearing it must have broken his heart.

"Reece I think this is the best move for us both. I don't know how many more signs we need but I refuse to be the one suffering -".


Not awkward.
Not odd.
Not weird.

But -

Painful silence.

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