Hello my second art book is here

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Anyway take Tonix :b

Mah boi :PHe was created because a random friend I sit with at lunch basically begged me to after seeing Anatox so now Anatox has a toxic friend lol

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Mah boi :P
He was created because a random friend I sit with at lunch basically begged me to after seeing Anatox so now Anatox has a toxic friend lol

Anyway some facts because I'm lazy and didn't put them on the ref

- he can and will implode once he gathers enough energy (it takes a while so rp people, we should be good for now). Usually he loses his mind trying to get away from people before this happens, since he can feel when it's about to happen. When it's about to happen, lil blob Tonix in the bottom there is a basic representation of it (idk how to explain it-)

- Physically unable to sleep, like Anatox, and if he stays at rest for more than five minutes he will start throwing up blood with the consistency of acid (also like Anatox) (also why his lab coat is very bloody)

- Very sensitive to loud noises

- can phase through objects (nerdy science explanation of that: he disassembles his molecules at the atomic level to fit through other molecules, then reassembles them after about three seconds)

- If ya make him angry, he will literally go insane and kill anything that moves until he regains control of himself

- usually scared and anxious when around people, for he emits radiation ALL THE TIME and fears killing innocent people on accident

I shan't reveal more in recognition that I'm currently writing his and Anatox's backstory-


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