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Hello, I'm back.

And... I looked through what 541 did online...

Tie I'm so sorry- Asterius might be a cannibal now-

Tie I'm so sorry- Asterius might be a cannibal now-

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(The drawing I mentioned War_Tie)

A redraw, and I added Shylisha :)Lineless arc go brr mwahaha

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A redraw, and I added Shylisha :)
Lineless arc go brr mwahaha

Shylisha (Endera276)
Candy Blaza (SquishyWritesStories)
Pinksilver (quicklight8945)


I'm gonna ask my mom if I can swear in my stories

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I'm gonna ask my mom if I can swear in my stories. I love uncensored Inferno for some reason (lol she was cussing Addie out in Mint's applyfic Legends and just YES)

Edit: she said no :<

That's it goodbye :)

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