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This is Spade

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This is Spade. He's the character I've been obsessing over the past two days he's been in existence :b

Random Facts:

He has a non-standard deck of cards on him at all times, which is a standard deck with eight extra cards that are each ✨m a g i c✨
Not explaining them tho, Imma make a drawing for it

He's kind of like a fortune teller, and his favorite thing to do is a card thing called "Fate Reading."
Basically he pulls five random cards from his deck (but it's a MAGIC deck so it's not entirely random) and one is face down in the middle (hence the sketch in the bottom right of the ref). The four face-up ones are standard cards and will tell some story of future or past. The fifth is one of the special cards, which basically decides if you're gonna die, live, or go insane/be extremely depressed the rest of your life.
Among other things obviously

He lives in this tent and very rarely ever leaves. The tent also kind of teleports everywhere without him knowing, so he'll just be chilling somewhere and the tent teleports somewhere random and he'll think he's still in the original place lol

The necklace I will not elaborate on until I've released his lore :b


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