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The next day (At school cafeteria)
<y/n pov>
I'm sitting here waiting for Beomgyu & his girlfriend. I wish she is kind & friendly because I don't want any selfish girl for my best friend.
He is really nice. He never breaks his promise and always visits me or text or call me after his date. I hope Beomgyu you'll never change.
"Hey y/n!", Beomgyu called me.
I can't remember when did Beomgyu last called me by my name. Where's 'sweetie' gone?
"Hey!",I said putting a smile on my face.
"I'm Yumi, Beomgyu's girlfriend. Nice to meet you", she said spreading her hand to have a handshake with me.
"I'm y/n. Beomgyu's 10 years old best friend" (smiles)
"Yeah. I know Beomgyu all time talks about you when he is with me. Beomgyu-ahh do you talk about me all time when you're with her?"
Beomgyu awkwardly smiles.
"Yeah I also heard a lot about you", I said.
Then suddenly Beomgyu's phone rings.
"Hey, I'm coming in 10 minutes. Let me attend the call", he left us alone.
"So you're the one who wants to stole my Beomgyu from me."
"Don't act innocent. I know you like him. Let me remind you that he's only mine."
"Yahh what are you talking about Yumi? Why I'd stole Beomgyu from you? He is my Best friend, so it's obvious for him giving attention to me."
"Oh! You're mad but sorry he's mine you know and after that he would leave you"
"You're crossing your limit. I came here to make friendship with you but you are just.."
"Hahahaha! Friends my foot.... He's very happy with me and I'm very happy with him. He always buy me what I want. I really wanted this kind of boyfriend. He's really sweet."
"Huh! Do you even love him or you just in the relationship to fulfill your desire Yumi?"
"I love him or not that doesn't matter, all that matter is I'm happy. And don't you dare to cross your limit. You're just a friend."
I feel sadness thinking Beomgyu is dating a wrong girl who even don't like him, only uses him to fulfill her desire. But this can't happen. Beomgyu don't deserve to be treated like this.
"I'll tell Beomgyu your true self so that he'll break up with you!",I said in anger.
She hold my wrist and twisted it I tried to pull it. My hand is all red. It hurts so much.
"Beomgyu won't listen you. Afterall you're just a friend. He won't leave his Girlfriend for 'just a friend", she said with a smirk on her face.
"Do you think he will choose a friend over his girlfriend?", she suddenly falls to the ground and pretends to cry and that time Beomgyu comes.
"What? What's the matter Y/n? What happened Yumi?", He asked.
"I tried to be a friend with your best friend but then she says that because of me you don't give her attention and she also slapped me", she said continuing her acting.
"What a lame excuse!", I became furious and held her hair in my fist.
"Y/n stop", Beomgyu pulled me away from her.
"Beomgyu you know me for years. You know i don't do anything stupid unless she said something", I said.
Beomgyu looked at her then at me. He is clearly frustrated.
"If you're believing your girlfriend then praise her", I took my bag glaring at Yumi. I walked out not sparing a glance at Beomgyu.
"Y/n listen", I can listen Beomgyu is calling my name but I am upset, really upset.
[What will happen to y/n?...What will Beomgyu choose? His best friend or girlfriend?....let's see in the next chapter]