Part 10: Better than her

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<Beomgyu pov>

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<Beomgyu pov>

Y/n: "Beomgyu...I'll take a nap"

"Sure sweetie..", I said as I pull her close to me and let her rest her head on my shoulder. As she closes her eyes, I stare at her to see how peacefully she's sleeping.

Why I just notice it now? Why her beauty is so ethereal.
My eyes landed on her plump lips with strawberry lip gloss. I stop staring her when my mom speaks,
"Just kiss her already..."

"Shhh....she's sleeping mom and I'm not going to kiss her."

"I can't understand why you need Yumi when you have y/n."

"She only sees me as her best friend nothing more and she's also not interested in relationship."

"If she was interested, then would you like her?"

"Mom...I think your phone is ringing..."

"Firstly, how dare you to change the topic and secondly, my phone isn't answer my question...."

"Mom...I-I- ughhhh..."

This time really Beomgyu's mom's phone rings and she left the place.

.....I looked at y/n who is still sleeping peacefully while pouting her lips...
"Would I like you if you'd really interested?.......I don't really know....", I sighed.

Then a notification popped up on my phone...who is it?..I saw the name and it is Yeojin...why?

I open the message and it is like...

*hey Beomgyu! I know y/n should tell you this but she still didn't I'm telling's a clip of Yumi you can see yourself....
But one thing you should remember ...y/n already warned you 8 months ago but you left her......don't do this ever again...*

I am confused so I open the video clip....and..
NO WAY!!!!????
THIS CAN'T HAPPEN......!!!!!!!!!

I felt my world falling's Yumi...KISSING ANOTHER GUY at the library....!!!

Tears started forming in my eyes....

"Why? This can't be true...",I sobbed, "why Yumi? Wasn't I enough for you? I-I-", I cry harder making y/n wake up...

<y/n pov>

I opened my eyes hearing someone is sobbing....and it was Beomgyu...

"Hey! What happened? Gyu???"

"Y-Yumi-", he couldn't finish his I take his phone which he's holding to know what's going on....

Aishhh....Yeojin really told him huh??
I told that girl to give me some time....Beomgyu I know you're very hurt...

"'s okay's okay..."

"I can't believe Yumi can do this to me.."

"Shhh....I know you're hurt , really hurt...but we should accept it...."

"I really love her", still sniffing.

"I know...let them out what you're feeling...she doesn't deserve would get someone better than her."

I hugged him letting him rest his chin on my shoulder as he cried harder...

After some time we pulled away and he said,

"Y/n you knew all of this ....why didn't you tell me before?"

"I-I was scared....I was s-scared to lose you again"

Again his eyes started glimmering.

"I'm sorry y/n....I've hurt you so much...but this time I wouldn't leave you believe me...."

I patted his head and faced him as he said,

"I trust you more than anyone warned me 8 months ago but I was too stupid to understand that.....even I hurt you ...I couldn't see Yumi's true self.....I'm sorry.."

"No need to say sorry Gyu....and I also trust you....and about Yumi, she doesn't deserve you."

I hug him again as he smiles sadly.


[I'm sorry...
I'm making it too longer about Yumi...well this is my first time writing and I just want this story to be turned out good😭...
I hope it'll turn out well...I've many ideas stored in my head...but I just want it to be slow....
umm...let's see what what happens next]

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