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After 7 years,(Hell I know this is a long time skip but let's see what's happening in their life

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After 7 years,
(Hell I know this is a long time skip but let's see what's happening in their life...)

<y/n pov>

"Yeojin...I still can't believe this is happening..."

"Yeah y/n...it's not a dream...."

Finally it's my wedding....and can you guess who's my groom???...

No it's not Beomgyu....
Shhh....just joking...my groom is the person ,the only love of my life....

"CHOI BEOMGYU!!", I shouted...

"Yahh...it's not my fault...."

"Why you have to be here....couldn't you wait till the wedding ceremony......now you ruined my dress...."

Yes....he spilled his strawberry milk over my gown.....

"What am I going to do now....it's not been an hour remain..."

"Umm...y/n-nie...I'm s-sorry.....but you're beautiful with any clothes...."

"Shut up!...I can not wear anything in my wedding", I annoyingly shouted at him....

Yeojin: "Y/n don't shout at him...he's like gonna be crying.....let me fix it..."

Beomgyu: "Yahh...I'm not going to cry....but I'm so so sorry...."

He made puppy eyes...while Yeojin was fixing my dress....yes she's a fashion designer now....

Beomgyu is the CEO of his own brand (but he's still the same...cute and annoying)

....and I'm a fashion designer too with Yeojin ^_^
Yeojin: "Yep!...looking good..."

I saw my gown....Yeojin did a great job...

Me: "고마워 (thanks) Yeojin!......and YOU...you're dead today"

....I tried to keep a cold face....but his pouty face made me burst out of laughter....

Beomgyu: "Yahh....don't laugh....I was just missing you....that's why I came...."

Me: "Awww....my Gyu was missing me..." (teasingly)

Beomgyu blushed....and went out of the room...

Time skip,

Prist: "Do you accept Kim Y/n as your lawful wife...?"

Beomgyu looked at my eyes with all his love and trust....and gave a warm smile before he said, "I do..."

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