Part 24: "Then Forget me"

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After a week,

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After a week,

<author pov>

Taehyun: "Still y/n didn't come back??"

Beomgyu: "Hmm...even she doesn't receive my calls or reply my messages.....
what happened to Yumi and Yeonjun hyung ...I also didn't see him for some days..."

Taehyun: "Hyung broke up with her that day...."

Beomgyu: "Ahh....I'm very sorry to Yeonjun hyung..."

Taehyun: "'s not your fault...hyung was dating a wrong girl....but he's a bit upset...."

Beomgyu: "'s your relationship going with Yeojin??"

Taehyun: "'s f-fine"(blushes) "ahh...Beomgyu...let's go and have a drink and Yeonjun hyung both are upset....let's enjoy today..."

Beomgyu: "Uh..okay"

Time skip to evening...

Beomgyu: "WhY sHE lEfT mE..??"

Yeonjun: "Beomgyu don't drink too much...Tae stop him.."

Taehyun: "WaE?...I cAn'T hEaR yOU...(chuckles)"

Yeonjun: "Aishh these two....they both asked me to come and now....I have to take both to their house.....come back to'll die (annoyingly)"

Yeonjun was about to call a taxi suddenly he saw y/n was passing by the street.....

<y/n pov>

I was walking on the street admiring the night and thinking about what's going on with my life, I heard a voice...

"Hey Y/n..."

"Yeonjun oppa?!"

"Your and your friend's crush is me..."

"Ahhh....he is not my crush...btw what can I do.."

"Firstly I know that you like him....secondly don't misunderstand him, he didn't do anything wrong and thirdly Pleeeeeaaaseeee take him home....I have to take Taehyun home ..." , he said with a pout...


I took Beomgyu's one hand around my shoulder and hold him by his side and started walking....

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