Part 34

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"Holy-!" she cursed in shock, nearly jumping out of her skin. "Why do you still have that?" Yuki points at the glass display case, proudly displaying her spoils. Ones that are designed for those with a more unique taste.

Yumi looked over to what her friend was pointing at and responded with a lopsided smile. "Some people have twenty-dollar cosplay swords or historical weaponry. But I have these." After BLUE, her three-year-long mission was finally completed and Yumi officially retired from her noir persona. Returning every single spoil she's ever collected. It took some time but she managed to retrace nearly every owner of her spoils, even if it means visiting their graves. Some however refused to take them back so those trophies found a permanent home, in her possession... again.

She stared longingly at the pink guillotine when a memory flash before her eyes. They take her all the way back to the BLUE competition, back to the quarterfinals, moments before she steps into the ring. She remembers the loud cheers from the audience and as she swept her eyes through the crowd, she felt a certain pull in her heart.

Yumi always knows when a specific pair of eyes are on her. Those beautiful cyan-blue eyes meet her golden hues, and a thin veil of emotion danced over her eyes.

She hurriedly averted her gaze, suddenly very interested in the pink guillotine she is still carrying around. "Are everyone and their mother here?" she silently scoffs, her hand absentmindedly twisting the handles. The corner of her lips curls up into a soft smile.

"Why are you smiling at the guillotine like that?" Asahi frowns at her. "It's giving me the creeps."

Yumi looked up as her hand reached for the side of her face. "What the hell are you talking about?" She blinked a couple of times before realizing that she was in fact very pleased to see her boyfriend. She glares, quickly taking her hand away from her face. "Do you really have the time to focus on me?" annoyed that her emotions are on full display she covers her face back up with her mask. She scoffs at his smug demeanor once more before heading into the stadium.

Yumi blinked herself out of the memory and continued packing her clothes into the large suitcase.

Now that she's done chasing after illegal trades, and shady food businesses and with the final examinations over bringing forth the end to the semester, Yumi has little reason to stick around Totsuki. Being the only one in the dorm that does not bear the responsibility of the Elite Ten, joined any ceremonies, or even any clubs, Yumi stayed behind at the dorm to pack her stuff. Yes, she was once part of the Spice RS that is now taken over by Professor June, but she long since quit that club. Yuki returned early as she had promised to give her a hand.

Yuki shook her head and ran forward, crushing Yumi into her embrace. "I can't believe you're leaving Polar Star." Yuki cried, tears streaming down her face. Yumi laughs lightheartedly as she taps the other girl's shoulder, comforting her while also letting Yuki know that she is currently not breathing.

"There's nothing left for me to do in Totsuki." Yumi shook her head.

"You can still graduate with us." Yuki protests.

"With my attendance?" Yumi shook her head. "In my dreams, perhaps."

"Didn't Nakiri say she will pardon all the missing marks or something?"

"That's true." Yumi nodded thoughtfully. "I could've had my absences excused and have all the pending assignments magically disappeared. But no, I think it's time for me to do something else."

"The Yukihira diner?"

"I've considered taking over the family business," Yumi replied with a pout. "But Soma called dibs first."

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