Part 13

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"Hey, you alright?" Isshiki said entering the room after knocking.

"No I'm dead now, pay your respect and leave," Yumi rolls her eyes sarcastically, as she lies on her bed extremely fatigue.

"Well this should bring you back to the living," He chucked handing her a plate of fried rice and some herbal tea made by Aiko.

Isshiki patiently helped her up into a sitting position and offers her a spoon. Yumi went to pick it up but her muscles don't seem to want to listen to her and the silverware fell with a clang. She tries again but fails and it dropped miserably onto the floor.

Not being able to watch this scene any longer, he sighs and takes the fallen spoon and places it aside then grabs a new one from her collection.

He took a bit of rice and hovers it near her, Yumi glares at the spoon and glares at him. But nothing could be read from Isshiki's expression, she can only sigh in contempt. Feeling that there isn't any malicious intent in him she reluctantly accepts.

Once finished he sets the plate down and took the herbal tea and again held it near her lips, Yumi didn't bother to hesitate this time and unceremoniously drains the cup.

"I think this is the first time you didn't refuse my help." He said.

Yumi just tilts her head, "It's tasty." She didn't refuse but was extremely unwilling to accept his favor. Then again after all those matches, her brain is quite fried. With that one-sided massacre, she doesn't have a single brain cell left to process what he said. Otherwise, she would've retorted with a snarky remark.

Seeing her docile actions how can he not mess with her. Isshiki playfully held out his hand in front of him, he smiled innocently with the impurest of intensions.

She glares at his hand for a good while. Although she is braindead right now her muscles never forgot how much she doesn't trust this person, she was quite cautious. But of course, the guard that she put up didn't last too long as she soon places her hand on his. A faint blush spread across her cheeks.

Watching this scene Isshiki almost mistaken Yumi as a puppy.

"How cute." He mutters.

Isshiki continues to comfort her with hugs and head pats until finally dozing off using his lap as a pillow.


"Good morning," Isshiki smiled placing her meal in front of her.

Yumi took one look at the food and decides to just accept it. After receiving so much from Isshiki, Yumi feels that adding one or a hundred more favors to the pile of debt won't matter anymore.
Despite thinging that Yumi is still secretly dejected by his never-ending advances, and trying to reject Isshiki is like trying to push back a tsunami, a waste of effort and brain cells.

If anyone sees this scene they would understand that Isshiki had successfully trained Yumi to accept his goodwill without question. It's a good thing Isshiki is still unaware of this otherwise what kind of expression would he be making right now.

"How long did I sleep for," she asked the person who is nursing her back from malnourishment.

"You passed out for three days." He replies.

Although Isshiki is quite angry that Yumi has pushed herself too hard this time to the point of fainting, he was more upset about not being able to do anything about it.

Hearing the news Yumi groans loudly and facepalms, silently promising herself to never participate in another large scale shokugeki ever again.

Yumi stabbed her food with a scowl on her face, mercilessly criticize herself for not taking care of her health. As she ate her mind started to wander back to the night when she fainted. Thinking back she could not stop the flush that slowly begins to color her face.

With those scenes laying in her mind he feels that her heart is in quite a disarray. Yumi then glances at the culprit for all her heart problems. She watched as he flashed her a smile.

Those turmoils ripples through her heart, 'he really is trouble', she thought as she contemplates whether she should throw him out the window or at least smack him a couple of times.


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