Chapter 4: The Trip

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The trip was not long but very eventful for Jessie Collins. She was in the economy cab when everyone knew she should be flying first class, but she was a spy. Therefore, she would have to accommodate herself with economy class. Second, she spotted her sister but couldn't speak with her because Jake was by her side the entire time. Third, the plane had horrible reception, and she needed to text Amber, but it wouldn't send and kept frustrating her. And finally, going from the bathroom back to her seat, she almost bumped into Jake, and as soon as she sat, the crisis was avoided; she got a text from a blocked number which read,

It's Ley girl,

Please have a wonderful and safe trip to Canada, but I caution you, you need to let Maddie and Jake roam free, TTYL Bestie!!!!!

Jessie was beyond confused when she read that she didn't realize they had touched the ground or heard the announcement about their landing. Before she knew it, people were standing up and leaving, and she lost sight of Maddie and Jake in all the hustle and bustle. She quickly gathered her belongings and exited the plane herself. As she touched the beautiful ground of Canada, she felt her phone buzz. She looked at it and saw the text she had written to Amber. She looked up and then thought.

' IM in biiiiiiiiig trouble'

As Amber exited her plan, her phone buzzed with confirmation texts from Blake, Edward, Trever, and Jessie. Amber had just finished reading the text her brother sent when a familiarly sly voice said,

"Spy much, Amber?" 

Amber turned around in a flash, almost falling backward, and was met by Rafe standing behind her. His grin angered her, and she responded,

"No... What in the world are you doing here, Rafe?"

"Hanging," He calmly replied.

"Somehow, I don't believe that at all, Rafe," Amber replied coolly. 

"Not saying you should or shouldn't... so why are you here, Amber?"

"That," Amber began, making it seem like she was thinking before replying, "Is none of your business."

"A Guessing game fun, let me see... don't tell me... you're still running from Maddie."

"Now, what would make you think such a silly thought, Rafe" Amber replied, laughing nervously.

"Besides that, laugh nothing... except you said you were leaving." He replied, taking a step towards her. Amber paused as he continued saying.

"Of course, I know, Amber, it was easier to know your thoughts when you were not magical, but now... you've got to learn how to block us out." Rafe paused to smile wickedly, knowing his following statement would break Amber, "That's how I got to Maddie. You made it very easy."

At that, Amber took a step towards him and let her anger out, asking,

"Where is she, Rafael Mason!"

Rafe shrugged, still smiling his wicked smile, before answering,

"With another member, I'm on my vacation."
With that, He turned away from the anger-stricken Amber and walked away. Amber finally resolved to follow him. He let him get a few meters in front of her before moving in the same direction.

The plane ride to Vatican City was the best part of Blake's trip. He got to ride first class and was seated directly behind John, which was weird but fantastic at the same time. The entire ride, John was texting Rafe. It was like he didn't exactly understand what was happening and kept asking question after question to Rafe, which was beyond funny. What made it even funnier was when John wasn't texting Rafe and trying to figure out the plan; he was watching try not to laugh videos and failing miserably. Blake thought that if he weren't on his stalker mission, he would ask to sit with him and get to know him better because John looked like an average everyday guy, minus the magic.

The worst part of Blake's trip happened the on the afternoon of his plane. He ended up losing John in all the hustle and bustle of getting off. Now, he was alone in Italy on a failed mission. He sighed in frustration as he pulled up his phone, texted Amber about losing his suspect, and then went sightseeing. Blake saw St. Peter's Basilica, went to an art gallery, and finally went to the Vatican City market. He wandered around for a little bit, then picked produce. He met John's eye. They held each other's gays for a second, then John bolted, and Blake dropped the produce he picked and sprinted after him.
Once he caught up with John, they both collapsed to the ground from running hard. They lay there, not talking until they caught their breaths. Then Blake asked,
"What the heck, man, why are you running?" between breaths.
John took a long breath and replied,
" I honestly don't know, just that you startled me... What are you doing here, Blake?"
"I could ask you the same thing, John."
"You answer, I will."
"Fine, I'm just hanging out while hunting for my sister John and you?"
"Same... just hanging... We should hang together then," John said, finally catching his breath.
"Agreed," Blake said, catching his breath too. They stood and shook hands then Blake asked,
" So... Where too?"
"How about back to the Market for food, and then you can stay in my hotel with me. I got a two bed room with a flat-screen tv equipped with a full gaming system, so yeah... If you want, that is."
"Yeah, let's... But... This stays between us. If the others are found, we'd be dead."
"Oh, Rafe already wants to kill me, so deal, we can hang in secret because I don't think you are enemies. It's just stupid drama."
"Agreed," Blake said, and they walked back to the market, learning about each other and laughing like good old friends.

Trevor and Edward arrived in Japan really excited but extremely jet legged. Exiting the plane and airport, they booked a hotel to rest and relax before going on a tour. As they toured, they visited the Hamarikyu gardens, Yoyogi park, and the Tokyo Imperial Palace. both boys were on by the beauty of all three places they visited, and their adventure was starting. After all the touring, they were walking back to their hotel room when they saw Alex; he was white as snow and hurriedly walked to the metro train station. Trever and Edward shared a look of concern and intrigue, then followed Alex quickly but secretively.

As they caught up to Alex, they saw him on the phone, and overhead he say,
" I don't care, Rafe, this is messed up. I'm in big trouble, and I'm leaving soon... When has one of our plans ever done us good? I swear... If I'm killed, I'll kill you. I mean it, Raphael Mason... Ok, whatever, I'll call you tonight... K... Bye."
As Alex hung up on Rafe, Trever and Edward backed away and ran to the hotel to talk about what they had just overheard and to update Amber.

Amber caught up to Rafe finally and grabbed his arm, making him stop. She then drew a breath and asked,

"What are you doing, Raphael?"

Rafe grinned as he replied,

"Nothing Amber, I'm just Vacationing, as I've told you once today."

"And I've already stated that I don't believe the poison coming out of your mouth."

"Well... have fun with that, but I'm telling you, don't ruin my vacation. "
Amber scoffed before replying.

"I won't...."

"Well, Good now... Goodbye, Amber Douglas, don't worry, we'll meet again soon." With that, Rafe turned with a smug grin and walked away from Amber, who stood on the Sidewalk, awed at what had just happened. After recovering from the shock, she stood there for a few more minutes before then thought.

'Maybe Rafe has changed... just maybe, but not likely."

She then texted the others to update them on her stalker mission and ask if anyone else had leads on why Rafe and they split or what they were planning. She stood there for ten minutes before deciding, since no one responded, that she would wonder until she ran into Rafe again or found a place to stay safe while here. Hoping and Praying that everyone was safe and all of them will be reunited soon... especially her and Maddie."

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