Chapter 34 (Wednesday)

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"What do you mean that's all you found?"

Verspri didn't look outside the room. He didn't need to. He'd seen Tamy coming through the entrance, two burlap bags in each hand.

"This is from three separate buildings!" Tamy exclaimed. "This is all I found in three separate buildings. That's not very much, Isaac."

"This campus is kind of big," Isaac said back. "There's at least, like, thirty buildings."

"I can think of seventeen buildings our district uses," Razón said. "Including this arts one. Some other districts share, like, the academics building with us, but there's at least fifteen districts across campus. There's way more than thirty buildings, Isaac."

Tamy huffed, and her footsteps stormed away. Isaac and Razón began muttering outside Verspri's room, then another set of footsteps paced away. Verspri strained to hear what they said, but the door was wide open so he couldn't move. Unless he wanted them to know he was fake-sleeping.

"Verspri?" Razón suddenly asked.

He mentally sighed.

"Verspri?" Razón asked, barely two seconds later.

"I'm awake," Verspri slowly pushed himself out of the sleeping bag.

"Ah. Tamy found some supplies--"

"I heard," he stood up carefully as stars danced across his vision. "Was there any food?"

"It's...not like I've looked through it," Razón said.

Verspri's stomach growled in response.

Razón shrugged, "but we still have some of those dried biscuit things. And we still haven't run out of water, shockingly." he fleetingly grinned.

"Haha," Verspri snorted. "Did she...find any people?"

Razón shifted from foot to foot. "I didn't think to ask her that."

"So you really are wasting your time here," he walked to the doorway. "Not looking for survivors, surviving off of discarded goods--"

"Verspri, we came here because..." he trailed off, "well, besides you asking us..." he fiddled with one of the sacks on the floor. "It's like a battlefield. I thought that maybe if we returned here, we could find clues. To how it started."

Verspri blinked, pointed at himself, and pushed past Razón. He shielded his eyes, sparks bursting in front of him. Cuatro appeared, hands planted firmly on Verspri's shoulders, halting him in the middle of the bare hall. Moving his hand away from his face, Verspri tried to glare that pleading look in Cuatro's eye to silence.

"Get over yourself, Verspri," Cuatro said, stepping back. "It's not like nobody else has ever messed up before," he raised a finger before Verspri could open his mouth.

"Yeah, why are you here, Verspri?" Razón asked behind him. "Every time you turn around it's like you hunt for something new to beat yourself up over."

"Don't pretend you know what it's like," Verspri shot over his shoulder.

Razón folded his arms, dark eyes shifting to the side. A door clicked shut, probably Isaac eavesdropping on everything they'd been saying. Verspri glared. But Razón didn't say anything. He just leaned against the doorframe to Verspri's "room," faintly silhouetted.

Cuatro sighed. "I know what it's like, Verspri. And so do Segundo and Pentago. So does Tri--"

"Don't. You," Verspri glared at his clone. Cuatro shut his mouth, eyes going wide and pleading. "Trio's dead," Verspri whispered.

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