VII ; Keep Going

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- Keep going... We should see the end of this traffic one day or another...

Says the taller one as he keeps on walking, Minho following behind just like a cat following its owner.

Except this cat looks tired of walking, very tired.

- Please, tell me we're there... I can't anymore... I feel like my legs will give up on me if I continue...

Hyunjin takes three or four steps again before he slowly stops. He turns to the older one, which, looks at him in an exhausted way.

He sighs and when the dark blond haired boy is close enough, he turns around one more time, showing him his back.

- Climb up.

The smaller one quickly recovers all hopes and doesn't waste time to get closer, almost jumping on the taller's back as he holds onto his neck. He also wraps his legs around his body, this way, he'd be sure he wouldn't fall off of him.

For his part, Hyunjin grabs the underside of his thighs and places him correctly on his back in a quick move before he continues the seemingly endless walk.

- Thanks Hyun'... You really are the best.

Hyunjin can't help but to let a light smile get painted on his lips. At this very moment, he could've only described his friend as the cutest human being.

- That's the lesser of it.

The silence wins back its place but fear and stress resurface as the two boys walk among this cemetery of immobilized cars.

The already unreal atmosphere turns into something scary. The journey to find an exit from this nightmare is far too long.

Minho, a cheek against the swarthy's ear and arms a bit less resistant, breaking the link his two hands made, ends up dozing off.

They had only walked two kilometers but their state of mind and the emotions they felt were enough to take away their energy. A lot of energy.

But finally, at the end of the tunnel, just before the end, Hyunjin can see the traffic jam ending.

Ahead, the coast is clear.

- Min', we made it...!

The sleepy one raises his head after hearing these words and a reassured smile appears on his lips.

He, however, still holds onto the taller one, letting himself get carried to the end of their calvary.

Once at the side of the first car in line, Hyunjin gently puts the oldest down. He then walks up to it and puts his hand on the car handle to open the driver's side's door.

Problem; it won't open.

Minho suddenly smiles in a bit of a more awaken way before he takes a look at it. He tells Hyunjin to back up with a hand sign before he takes off his hoodie.

Using his teeth and his hands, he tears off a piece of the lower sleeve of his garment and wraps it around his elbow.

- I always wanted to do that...

Following his words, pronounced in an almost excited tone, the oldest gives a violent blow to the window, causing it to burst into a thousand pieces, damaging the paralyzed driver's face a little, but nothing more.

Being unexperienced, he still manages to cut off parts of his arm, but the adrenaline now present in his body gives him the illusion of feeling no pain.

From the gap where the window was before, he unlocks the door and steps back, letting Hyunjin take over while he picks up his hoodie that he had left on the ground.

The taller one takes care of taking the inert body and sliding it out of the vehicle to finally put it lightly on the ground.

He then raises his head towards Minho, who bypasses the car to take the passenger side seat.

Hyunjin therefore hastens to do the same, taking the driver's seat for his part.

He turns the engine back on and after a couple of seconds of silence, Minho exclaims;

- That was so cool!


Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now