Rigged Game Part 2

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With Tohka's disappearance too from Natsumi's game, all who were left met up in a confrontation room thanks to Origami. Spreading the pictures around, Shido started talking.

Shido: I know it's sudden, but you all know the situation now. I got you all involved in this.. And I'm sorry.

Ryuki: Ah don't sweat it, let's beat this woman at her game.

Kaguya: Well don't fret about it.

Picking up the photo's, Kotori began to examine them.

Kotori: Natsumi is impersonating one of these 12 people.

They all listened to Kotori explaining each person that Shido went on a date with, flipping them over and giving out the reasons for why they weren't the ones. Ryuki looked around the room before landing his eye's on griffon, nodding at the bird, Griffon nodded back. Turning back his attention, he then heard Origami speak up.

Origami: But why would Natsumi take the risk of wanting to impersonate them? With the way she play's it, for everyone that she tries to be, they disappear.

Miku: But Shido never went out on a date with Ryuki, is he not Natsumi?

Ryuki: Like I told the others, it would be hard to impersonate a being that she has no knowledge of.

Origami: That's just it, she's so confident that whatever we come at her with, we won't guess it correctly in the end.

Miku: It could mean that she isn't impersonating anyone at all?

Kaguya: I doubt that would be the case.

As they discussed everything, a green orb appeared above them, revealing Natsumi within the orb a second after. Shido tried to guess that she was first impersonating Yuzuru, which was wrong leaving Origami to get suck into the green orb.

Ryuki: What the hell..

Miku: S-She disappeared!

Kotori: So it wasn't Yuzuru!?

Kaguya: I told you she was the real deal!

Natsumi: Come on my great detectives, who will you name next?

Ryuki: You're one dirty trickster..

Natsumi: I could say the same to you with those you've killed. But if you don't hurry up, someone else will be next.

Bringing his guns out, Ryuki fired off a decent amount of bullets, only for them to phase through the orb and hitting the wall behind it. Stopping his fingers, Ryuki still kept the guns pointed at the orbs.

Ryuki: Well it seems you really are playing safe for this game.

Natsumi: I'm not dumb enough to mess with someone like you.

Ryuki: We'll see about that.

While Natsumi and Ryuki were throwing venom takes at one another, Shido was trying his hardest to figure out who Natsumi was impersonating. Time passed and Kaguya was then sucked into the orb leaving everyone in a shamble.

Kotori: Ryuki, a little help over here if you want to save Yoshino and Yoshinon!

Ryuki: *Realizes what Kotori said* Wait- something doesn't add up..

Putting his guns away, he walks over to the table and grabs a picture of Yoshino, there he sees Yoshinon and remembered the other day.

Ryuki: Shido, she isn't impersonating someone whose obvious, rather she's impersonation something that could forever be calmed.

Shido: Wait, you mean-

Smirking, Ryuki looked back at Natsumi while holding up Yoshino's picture.

Ryuki: You were impersonating Yoshinon the entire time!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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