Chapter 2- New Friend,

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" I love the Still Child books! Which book are you reading?" I blurted out. I immediately started to blush and widened my eyes.

The girl looked at me with her brown eyes with excitement. " I thought I was the only one who read the books! None of my friends back home know anything about the Still Child, and I'm reading number 8."

" Number 8? It came out?" I was interested. I loved The Still Child series. This story is about a girl and a boy whose parents are killed by a villain named CastleVor, and they learn who their parents really are and why they were killed. Every year they get a new girl ( Madelyn ) gets firepower, hypnotizing, and snow power, while the boy ( Carl ) gets earth power, reading minds, and seeing the future. I heard they met a new friend in number 8 who helps them along their journey. Finally, they'll find CastleVor in number 12.

She twirled her brown medium-length hair. " Actually I pre-ordered it. It's not as interesting as number 7."

As she looked at her feet, she said, "I wish we could bring books to class."

Not knowing what to say, I nodded. " Hey, aren't you in my class? Do you want to be partners for the algebra project?" I was very hopeful that she would reply yes, because Danica decided to go with Lily. The little rat.

She nodded slowly. " Yeah sure, but just so you know, I'm very lousy."

I smiled at her with all of my crooked, white teeth. " Don't worry, I'm great at math."

" You're like my only new friend."

I was taken aback for a moment, I never made a friend that quickly

" Yup friends." I smiled." Oh, I forgot! We don't even know each other's names!"

" What's your name?" She put her bookmark on her page and decided to look up at me. " I'm Stacey. Stacey Chan."

" I'm Jasmine."

As soon as I introduced myself, the bell rang.

" Well, see ya. I have to go quickly before Mrs. Tilst will yell at me again." She smiled.

I smiled back at her and quickly went to my locker. As I shut my locker, Jessi was looking at me confused ( her locker is beside mine). I still was wearing a smile on my face from meeting Stacey.

" Why are you smiling, dork?" Jessi asked me with a smirk on her face.

I ignored her and rolled my eyes secretly, nothing was going to ruin my day.

I walked into Science slowly. I found my name tag at the desk next to Tony Lester and Jayda Wilchan. As I sat at my desk, I tried to listen to the teacher.

After Mrs. Burgos's long explanation of the fluid's properties. She said we would partner with someone. Danica glanced at me quickly because Lily and Jessi were not there. My eyes rolled at her and I looked for Stacey. Since I couldn't find her in class, I decided to go with Jayda.

" Wait a minute!" The class stopped moving around the room. " I did a test which became a new rule. When we partner up with our peers, less work is done, but when we pick the partner, more work is done. That means that we are going to pick your partner for you."

Everybody groaned at that.( " Hello? Do you want more stability in your work and better marks? I mean it's not the end of the world!" Mrs. Burgos yelled in disbelief) But I was fine with that. I was going to be a loner and nobody would want to go with me. I hoped that Mrs. Burgo would pick me first because there are 23 people in this class.

" Okay, Lana P. and Jacob, Wendy and Jasmine K., Tony and Abebi, Hans and Jayda, Danica and... and Ralph, Tina and Jasmine D...."

My partner and I were happy together. Tina and I are excellent workers. Dyslexia makes reading difficult for her, but she is smart. Mrs. Burgo said that Danica and Ralph would go together, and I almost snorted. Danica isn't very good at her marks. She has Bs and Cs, but no A. Ralph... well he's the sloppiest boy in the class. He is smart, but he misses tons of classes because of his anger management issues. She deserves it. As I sat next to Tina, she gleamed at me.

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