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idk if i spelt the title correct but whatever
Y/N's POV:
i was hanging out with my best friend albert because we were friends(obviously). we talked about random shit like how his youtube is doing, and other random stuff.

Y/N: hey albert?

albert: yeah whats up.

Y/N: is it just me or do i see something over there?..

i point at something that looks like a portal of some sort. i see alberts eyes look directly at it looking scared.

albert: ....what is that?.

Y/N: i have no clue...

albert: i-

Y/N: im gonna see what the hell it is

i walk over to the portal-looking circle.
i stick my hand in it and... it went through, it didnt push me in but ny hand was through it.

Y/N: hey albert... look..

albert: what the hell y/n? what are you doing??

Y/N: i wanna go through it...

he stood up and went over to the portal and stood right next to me doing the same thing as me, putting his arm through the portal.

albert: well? lets go then..

Y/N: okay!! meet you when we get there!

i jump inside the portal. i felt weird once i did and i passed out quickly on a rough surface which seemed like a side walk. i was laying there passed out right next to albert. oh, and we were like scratched up. we were bleeding a little and maybe a lot.

???: hey what is that?

???: ...i dont know?.. who are they?.

???: i dont know, i haven't seen them in town before..

???: they look like their bleeding!

???: call someone to help!!

i woke up after being passed out for a very short time.

Y/N: ...ow..huh?.. what just happened?..

???: oh my god! are you guys okay? we haven't seeb you here before.. who are you guys?

Y/N: ..huh? oh.. well.. OW! haha... im y/n.. and this is albert- who are you kids.. and where are your supervisors?..

skid: oh right! im skid and this is pump! nice to meet you guys! but.. are you guys okay?..

skid points at our cuts and scratches from falling onto the side walk. then finally albert woke up.

y/n: yeah were fine.. i hope... oh! well look who finally woke up?

albert: ..shut up idiot... where are we?!

y/n: i have no clue but these two kids are named skid and pump.

albert: weird..

me and albert finally stood up in pain but we could walk somehow..

y/n: sooo, skid and pump. where are we???

pump: wait.. you dont know where your at? then how are you here?

after explaining the short story that i was to lazy to type out was finshed the two boys stood there amazed.

y/n: yeah sooo.. what do you do for fun around here anyways?

skid: hey pump! we should go take them to get candy from kevin!

pump: oh okay! lets go!!

y/n: candy? ooh! well sure.

the two boys were walking because they knew we cant run with these cuts, bruises even! and scratches. when we made it to the candy shop called "candyclub" i saw a man with black haid and what turns out to be wearing is the candyclub uniform.

kevin: ugh you kids again.. what do you want this ti— huh? what the.. YOU BROUGHT NORMAL ONES THIS TIME?

y/n: huh? what do you mean "normal ones"?..

kevin: well fir— oh my god.. are you two okay? you have cuts, bruises, and scratches all over your bodies!? what happened?

albert: well thats kinda private because i have no clue who you are and yeah we are "fine" since were bleeding!?


rick: god damnit kevin...

(this is so off character for kevin but idc  lmao)

skid: what is happening?

kevin: were getting first aid for them..

pump: oh ok

then this "rick" guy came from out back with a first aid kit, handed it to kevin, then went back out back. kevin rsn towards you guys making skid and pump fall over but they were fine. he crouched down and started bandaging you guy's cuts and scratches.

kevin: there you guys should be fine

y/n and albert: well
thank you i guess..

kevin: OH RIGHT! what candy would you guys like?

albert: can i get some... n&n's?

y/n: what?— ill just get (your favorite candy) please

skid and pump: WE WANT CANDY CANS!

kevin: of course..

kevin then grabbed all the candy and handed it to us.

kevin: that would be $5.99

i pay then leave the store.

y/n: *whispering to albert* man what the fuck are n&n's? are they like off-brand m&m's?

albert: yeah seems like it. smh..

y/n: weird.. *stops whispering* anyways, skid and pump. tell me where you kids live so i can take you guys home.

skid: oh okay! my address is ___________________!

pump: i will just hang out with skid.

albert: alright lets bring you kids to skids house.

after a while of walking, running, and talking. they got to skids house. i went up to skids doorbell and rung it waiting for an answer, and then...

???: yes? hello? oh! who are you?

y/n: well im y/n and this is albert, were new to this town and we just wanted to bring skid and pump here.

lila: oh okay! im lila! pleased to meet you y/n! and thank you for bringing my son and his friend back!

y/n: of course lila! we were happy to help!

skid: hey mum? can we hangout with them again sometime? their our new friends and their cool!

pump: yeah! their cool, miss. lila!

lila: well i guess so.. whats your phone number y/n?

y/n: oh its (your phone number)! and im glad to hangout with your son and his friend again!

after lila and y/n exchanged numbers. lila closed the door and you and albert walked away!
words: 1017 (not including a/n)
i cant believe this didn't take me that long lmao- well stay tuned for the next chapterr hopefully it will be posted soonn but until then cyaaaa

New Dimensions | SPOOKY MONTH X ALBERT FLAMINGO X Y/N 💗Where stories live. Discover now