The happy doll

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y/n's pov:
'damn ive only been here for a day and ive gotten someones phone number, but to bad i had to sleep against a tree with albert next to me' i thought after waking up from sleeping at the park, my neck hurting like crazy from leaning against that stupid tree. i look over at albert, still sleeping like hes passed out. i start shaking him to wake him up and it surprisingly worked, unless he woke up because of his hurting neck to.

albert: ugh why would you wake me upp

y/n: because i can and my neck hurts like crazy!?

albert: damn girlie you dont needa scream

y/n: shut up, now what the hell are we doing today?

albert: uhhh i have no clue-

y/n: YOU IDIO—

i was cut off by someone. or should i say, multiple people.

???: hey losers! the hell are you doing here sleeping against a tree?

robert: are you guys da—


y/n: man what the literal fuck..

albert: bro what the hell-


y/n: damn okay mr bossy pants- we just dont have anywhere to go? but like mind yo business

???: ugh whatever. lets go robert and ross

the 3 kids started walking away while i was confused about what the hell just happened.

y/n: man what the hell was their problem

albert: i have no clue

y/n: ooh! i have an idea of what we could do today! since we— I. have lilas phone number, we could hangout with skid and pump!

albert: those kids? fine.. but only because you want to because your my best friend


albert: y/n quiet down, people are staring

i look over to see tons of people staring because i just yelled 'YIPPEE'.

y/n: oops-

albert: whatever, lets get going

y/n: yeah, lets.

we start walking to skids house while talking about random stuff

albert: yeah i know right? it was so stupid!

i started laughing.

y/n: PFFT—

albert: hah, anyways were here. right?

y/n: yep!

i ran over to their front door and knocked on their door to be greeted with lila.

lila: oh hello y/n and albert! let me guess, you guys want to hang out with skid and pump?

y/n: mhm! you guessed correctly, where are they?

lila: ill call for them. their in skids room. SKID, PUMP, Y/N AND ALBERT ARE HERE!

skid and pump: YAYYYY!!!

they ran over to the door and hugged my legs. i bended over to their height

y/n: hey fellas!

lila: have fun you 5! be sure to text me or tell me if anything happens!

albert: alright

lila shut the door once we walked away.

New Dimensions | SPOOKY MONTH X ALBERT FLAMINGO X Y/N 💗Where stories live. Discover now