Soften upped bully

28 1 0

S/H (self-harm) (but ur not doing it)

y/ns pov(again):


i woke up from lying against the tree. albert was already awake and playing games on his phone.

albert: good morning, finally you woke up

y/n: yeah yeah good morning to you to smartass

i sit next to him and look at what he is playing on his phone. i obviously knew what it was right when i saw the corner of his phone. it was roblox

y/n: your really obsessed with roblox arent you?

albert: obviously

i roll my eyes and contine to watch him. after a couple seconds i realized we havent aten in 2 days. i was starving and felt like i was dying. i look through my pocket and find some money.

y/n: hey albert

albert: what?

y/n: im gonna go get donuts, wanna come with?

albert: oh shit. sure, please. im starving to death

y/n: pfft- okay then come on

we started to walk to the donut shop across the street. we walked inside and saw two cops there in line ordering their donuts. we walked over to the line and stood in it awkwardly. it was only us, the cops, and the workers their right now. all i could hear was the cops ordering their donuts.

y/n: (whispers) im gonna pass out, im so dead

albert: (whispers) same here, were gonna die together

we giggled and the cops noticed us. they looked at us confused and we stopped giggling after that.

???: huh? ive never seen you two in town before

y/n: oh yeah uhh— were uh—

albert: we just moved here! heh—

???: alright then.

the cops took their order and left. we walked up to the counter and got a lot of donuts. i mean A LOT. about like 20-30 maybe, or more. after we were done ordering and got our order we went back to the tree and started eating the donuts.

y/n: nom nom nom

albert: mmm chezburger

y/n: you need to stop playing roblox for awhile sir—

albert: no.

y/n: whatever

we continued eating and we saw the hatzgang again. from yesterday.

???: hey losers! still by the tree? hah!

the other two were silent and were actually confused why we were still by the tree.

y/n: yeah? have a problem?

he was silent like he was thinking of something to say.

???: ...

robert: hey dudes? why do you hangout by the tree everyday? and where did you come from? also, sorry for our friend

ross: yeah, also i kinda saw uhh.. when you guys went through that portal...

???: what?

robert: yeah, you saw them?! and— a portal?.. i mean theres like monsters here but a portal?..

y/n: oh right, i kinda forgot about that

i lift up the bottom of my pants amd see some of the cuts and bruises showing

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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