Naps and Exchanges

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Asano pov

I put up my phone and look around a bit. There's nothing here or nearby. "I'll take a nap" I say to myself and let my head rest against the rough bark of the tree.

I close my eyes and it all goes away. After a while I hear a distant bell that wakes me up and I see and hear the students leave probably talking about what happened today with me.

I wonder if I can make a little house here and stay a couple of nights. It's quite relaxing to sleep while my father isn't near by.

I yawn and jump off the tree when I hear something appears behind me.

I jump and bring out the knife I carry in my sleeves and I point it which the creature jumps back.

"Woah put that down it won't hurt me" he says and I finally get a proper view of my target .

His head is a perfect sphere and he's all yellow with tentacle arms and legs.  He's wearing an odd outfit that includes a little hat.

I step back and go into defensive position.

"Your definitely not one of my students so who are you and why are you not in class?"

I retort back. "Class is over"

He smiles "that's true. Dumb question. Why did you skip your classes and sleep here all day?"

I shrug and put up my knife. "I wanted to piss of my dad."

"Ah whose your father dear student and what's your name?"

I look away "Principal is my father and my name is Asano Gakushuu"

He jumps back in shock and looks at me. "The principals kid?! I thought you were the perfect student!?"

Wow even my reputation as a perfect student is known to space octopuses. "well you were wrong" I say glaring at him

"Woah woah sorry about that. So why do you want to make your dad mad?"

"Principal" I say correcting him. "I don't like him and I want to ruin his reputation so I slapped a teacher and ran."

"Oh" he says. "are you going to go home?"

I shake my head "I'm thinking of just camping out here tonight and sneak back in my house for the stuff I need. "

He shakes his head and clicks what I think is his tounge. " No can do your growing and it's cold. "

He grabs my hand "here follow me I have a hidden residence on the mountain with wifi and internet that you can stay in and I'll pick up your stuff. "

I consider it for a second but decide it's best too so the principal is even more pissed off that I show up to school with out going home

"Sure why not lead the way"

I follow the odd octopus creature that is my target to a blank spot of trees in the forest.

The octopus walks to the middle and stomps a bit and a underground doorway appears.

"Come in" he says and I walk in and he closes the doorway when he walks in

"That's totally not worrying at all" I think

I look around the small den? House? It looks like we walked into the guest area which includes a TV and a couple of couches and a table filled with porn magazines?

I walk up to them and pick them up. " Really and I thought you were an educator" I say as I show it to him.

He turns pink and quickly picks them up. "Um I'm so sorry please don't tell the principal!" He says bowing.

I look at the porn magazines filled with woman and I shrug. It has no effect on me considering Im gay.

"It's alright in fact it would be funny if I brought this home or put it under my bed." I say casually ignoring the surprised look on his face.

"You really want to disobey him huh" he says sitting down and motioning me to sit down.

"Yeah I do. The principal is not a good father or a father in general. It was a recent decision to go rouge on him you know".

He looks away and looks like reminiscing. "Yeah.. yeah I understand no worries kid."

I smile. "Don't worry you won't have me in your hair too long I plan on returning tomorrow."

He looks at smile gone. "You sure? You can stay"

I shake my head "nah your salary is already very small anyways. Plus I have a feeling we will see each other more anyways."

He looks confused for a second. "Ok but if you ever need to you have a home here."

"Thanks octopus"

He looks offended at that remark and retorts back. "I'm not an octopus!"

"Well you never told me a name and you look like an octopus so octopus."

He shrugs " dont call me that call me... What do you want to call me ? And I won't take octopus."

I think for a second and reply "tako. Tako sensei"

He looks down for a second "really octopus with a different word?"

"Do you want octopus back."

He panics for a second than replies quickly "no no! Tako Sensei is fine!"


"So do you want to eat anything?"

I shake my head "nah I'm good I'll just go to sleep."

"Ok well then let me lead you to your room ."

He stands up and I follow him he leads me to a medium size room with a desk,bed, and dresser. "

"Here's your room now goodnight I'll get your stuff later. "

I nod " good night" and the door is closed

I bring out my phone and go to the Groupchat


Me- hey I need the night off grell is that good?

Grell- sure why not? Just be sure to do the work you missed tomorrow night ok?

Me- of course

Claire- hey why is he allowed nights off?

Me- because I complete my nightly quota each night and not in a week

Leo- also there's the blatant favoritism

Philip - why is gaku the favorite?

Claire - he's the most behaved that's why

Grell- I can neither confirm or deny that statement

Leo- ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Philip - (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

Claire- (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)

Grell- stop crying

Me- well .... Good night

Grell- night

Philip - night


Claire - night

I turn off my phone and lay down

Author note - more texting scenes I love those!!

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