6| Shot roulette

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Neither of us speaks as he stares down at me. He looks casual – and handsome – in his t-shirt and jeans, but there's something about the high-quality cotton and clean-cut fit that screams trust fund.

I back up a little, my brain overloaded with a million questions, but all I can focus on is standing this close in a small, enclosed space. "Natalia is looking for you."

"I know," he says and flashes a grin. "That's why I'm hiding."

It's hardly a shocker, but I frown all the same. While I'm trying my best not to jump to conclusions, it's hard to accept that the same Noah obsessed with hookups and conquests wants to help me with no-strings-attached.

"Here's a thought," I say. "Have you tried being an adult and telling Natalia you're not interested?"

"Believe me, I've told her." He reaches behind me to open the door, peeking into the hallway. "That woman does not take no for an answer."

My heart skips a beat as the smell of his cologne hits. I'd expect him to wear something over the top, the kind of cologne that overpowers the senses, but it doesn't. It's light and airy, crisp like a cool winter's morning; I can't get enough.

He closes the door behind me but doesn't move back. My eyes meet his, and it's hard not to notice his left eyebrow is slightly higher than his right, giving him this constant wicked look. I take a step back as if the two inches of space it gives us will make any difference, but I have to do something. The second Noah notices the reaction he elicits – game over. 

He steps forward, making my breath catch. "Feel like getting out of here, Blue?"

It's clear he doesn't just mean this closet, but this party, and god help me, I'm tempted. It's not like I wanted to come in the first place, but leaving with Noah is ten levels of stupid. He's hiding in a closet from the last girl who fell for him; how dumb would I be to say yes?

That's the worst part, I realize. The thing that makes me feel the most nauseous. I can see how it happened, how Natalia confused his flirtation for feelings. He'd have flashed that Noah Atterwood grin and made her feel special, only to bail when he got what he wanted without a second thought.

"You're unbelievable," I say, and I'll admit, watching his face fall feels good. Clearly, guys like Noah are not used to being held accountable, which is why he has no concept of other people's feelings. "You led Natalia on, decided you didn't want to talk to her anymore, and now instead of being honest about it, you're hiding from her. Such a gentleman."

I slip into the hallway and try to find Addy. It doesn't take long; she's sitting on the kitchen countertop, arms around Pax as they down a round of shots. I scope the room, honing in on an irritated Jesse, who's still on the sofa with the same girl from before, only this time, she's on his lap. I shake my head. In less than a week, they've gone from dating to mating to hating – the reason I'm staying single for life.

Addy pulls her face from Pax's long enough to spot me in the crowd. "Ever!" She pushes herself off the counter and walks over, reeking of vodka. Swaying a little, she grabs my arm as I help to steady her. "I was looking everywhere for you. Are you having fun?"

"Apparently, not as much as you."

She flashes a devilish smile as Pax walks toward us carrying a vodka bottle. He grins when he sees me, those dark eyes twisted with mischief. "We're about to play shot roulette," he says. "Wanna play?"

The very thought makes me anxious. While I'm not exactly sure what shot roulette entails, it's obvious from the vodka bottle it requires having to drink – something I haven't done since the accident.

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