One Fry One Awesome Friendship

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I jolted awake from my bed panting while white sheets tangled at my legs. I lay back down and stare at the gray ceiling of my bedroom while recalling my dreams. It just didn't make sense, as well as my other dreams there would always be a girl with brown hair covering her face.
My dream consisted of flashes of images, like tombstone, blue rose, and water droplets. The most disturbing is i hear cries of agony in my dream today.

I got up from my bed and headed to one of my canvas. I started painting and tried putting all the images from my dreams and i came out with dull and gray sky as the background, that girl wearing a white dress in a cemetery crying and placing blue roses to the tomb. I sighed and looked at my painting, no one can see it other than me and i fucking don't know why, i almost started blaming my paint brush being magical. I glance at my clock and it read 6:30 and my classes will start at 7:30, so I got up and went to the shower, did my business, put on a black pants, plain white muscle shirt, and black combat boots, the usual. Oh how rude of me I'm Jack Caleb Rivers by the way.


I walked through the marbled floor of our schools hallway passing different bulletin boards containing school craps and stopping at my locker.
"Hey man" my best bud Jeff wearing dull blue wife beater with black pants and combat boots like mine greeted me and i just nod in acknowledgement. And by the looks of his face he knew there's something wrong.
"Parents?" he asked, "No, and it's foster parents" i replied.
"Where are we? kindergarten?"
"Dude, in kindergarten girls have cooties!"
I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Whatever, Let's go to our first period" Jeff held up his hands in surrender, "What crawled up in your ass and died?" "Nothing" "Oh you're having this dreams again?" "Kindda". You see he knows everything about me without thinking I'm nuts vice versa as girly as that sounds. We met when we're freshmen, once upon a time i saw him standing by his locker which is ironically situated next to mine, i'm holding my fries in one hand my other hand unlocking my locker, he looked at me and his stomach rumbles so i offered him a fry a fucking single fry and bam! We're friends. Good story yeah? Yeah.


We're at the cafeteria getting out lunch while some girls are staring at us like we're kind of some meat and they're the hungry tigers. Its not that im being arrogant but me and Jeff are good looking guys and SOME girls placed us at their list "Hot and Misterious" while the guys labled ME not Jeff as a freak. Like seriously what's so good about flashing eyes?
We headed to our usual seat holding our trays filled with snacks.
"Hey, I'm goin' to tell you somethin'" Jeff said, "hmmm?" I mumbled/ asked while i took a bite of my burger.
"We're like butt cheeks" I rolled my eyes, here we go again Jeff and his lame pick up lines.
I hummed and raised questioning eyebrows at him, "Even though there's lots of crap between us, we still always stick together!" Jeff laughed really loudly while slapping his table making some girls look at us and some swoon at him because of his "incredibly hot smile or laugh".
Like seriously what's hot with that laugh? Well I'm a guy.
"Go find yourself a girlfriend Jeff"
"Why would i if i have an amazing boyfriend" he winked at me
"You're gross Jeff" I made a distasteful face and chuck a fry at him. He tensed up and open his mouth wide open so he can catch the fry, he chewed obnoxiously loud close to my face and said "I fucking catched it!"
"Congratulations, pup" i replied and ruffled his hair. Guess what he did next?
He "barks" and stuck his tongue out. Guysss i have one of a hell "special" friend.

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