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Third Person POV
The day then went by without any trouble. Jia didn't bully her but, that's doesn't mean she was silent

She frequently gave Maeve death and hate gazes and purposely bumped into Maeve's shoulder if they were passing by

Jia wanted to make Maeve's life miserable and a living hell, but she wasn't able to do so, because Irene was always there to save her, which annoyed Jia alot. Jia kept finding ways to bully Maeve but only a few of them worked but still she was interrupted in the middle and wasn't able to succeed in her plan of bullying Maeve

If you are wondering, why Jia didn't get expelled till now. Well her father is one of the most important share holders of that school

And if you were wondering why Jia is bullying Maeve, well it's because she thinks that she is poor which is the complete opposite of what Maeve is. Maeve wasn't allowed to tell about her parents to anyone, for God knows why

Jia didn't get Maeve expelled yet is also because she wants to get revenge on her for what she did in the past which wasn't her fault. You all will get to know soon into the story

Maeve POV
After the day was over. I quickly grabbed my stuff and hurried out of the school, I was afraid that Jia would bully me when alone. So the best way for me to not get bullied was to just run out of the so called "Hell",to avoid any means of trouble

I walked my way to home while listening to some music in my headphones. This always helps me forget about my tension and it also let's me escape the harsh reality of this world

After reaching home, I went inside and found it as empty as my soul. The house was silent, no one dared to talk. Only the sound that was heard in the house was of the workers that were working here. I never understood why everyone who worked here was afraid to talk or even breath too loudly

I was again planning on how to ask my parents about what job they did that I had to to be surrounded by the guards all the time and many more things that were still kept as a mystery to me by my parents. It isn't that they are some sort of serial killers, Right?

I went to my room and decided to take a hot shower to relax my mind. I went inside the bathroom and stripped myself and got into the shower. Turning it on, the water fell on my skin relaxing my muscles after a long tiring day

You know they say that 'You never know how it feels until you go through it'. Well that what happened in my case, as a child I thought that having depression or anxiety wasn't something serious. But now that I am experiencing it, it is the worst thing you ever felt

You always keep comparing yourself to others, you start hating yourself, you forget how to smile and forget how to love yourself, you constantly have a fear of being judged by others. This is what you go through

Depression and anxiety are the two things you never wished to go through as a adult or a teenager. It just makes your life more difficult to live or you just don't hope to live any longer

After giving myself a long speech, which I knew wouldn't help. I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around myself. I looked in the mirror

Pale face, dark eye bags, red eyes, dry lips and a red running nose. Yes, I was crying, crying by thinking about my messed up life

Why do I have to suffer through this, I didn't did anything bad to anyone in my life, then why is my life this way. Why do people hate me this much, am I really that bad

Thinking about all the hateful things Jia and my past bullies have said to me. I clutched the marble sink with my hands and cried silently

I wanted to cry my heart out but I couldn't. Not being able to cry loudly when you really want to, hurts more than break-up does

After finally calming myself down. I washed my face with cold water and the picked up the clothes that were laying on the sink, neatly folded. I wore the clothes and walked out of the bathroom

I layed down on my bed while staring at the white ceiling, a beautiful chandelier was hanging above my bed making my bedroom look more memorising. I just sometimes wished that the chandelier would break and fall on me. I know it's dark and disturbing but I just started loving dark humour jokes

I felt empty. No emotion or anything, just empty. My soul was empty, my mind was empty, and my heart was empty too. But you know my fate had some colour. It's black. My fate is dark, really dark. I don't know what mistakes I did to get this kind of fate

The only love I ever felt was my parents before I met Irene. After I met her, I was happy that there is someone else beside my parents who loves me and cares for me. It feels nice to find out that even if everyone hates you, there probably are people out their who loves you and cares for you even if others don't

I then suddenly remembered that I had a tons of homework to do. This was the best way to distract me from overthinking and hating myself even more than I already do


It was around 9'O clock when I finished doing my homework. °That was a lot°, I said and got up from my seat, streching myself to relax my muscles

°Mom and Dad should be home by now, I guess°, I said to myself and went downstairs towards the kitchen to ask the chief whether the dinner is ready or not

My plan was clear. First I will eat dinner with my parents and talk with them about how their day went and then after dinner, when they are working, I will ask them the questions that they never gave me the answer to

Oh, did I forget to mention that my parents are workaholic


I am sorry if you are not liking this story or finding it boring to read. I promise the story line will become more interesting after chapter after chapter

So wait for the spice and till then bye

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