
29 3 0

Author POV
Just like the other days, the sun arose to the top and scared away the darkness. The birds were chirping and the cool breeze was moving

The sunlight seeped through the balcony window and hit Hwang's face. Hwang came out of his deep slumber and slowly opened his eyes. He sat upright on the bed and rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. He stretched his body and cracked his joints to loosen them up

He took a look at his alarm clock resting on the table. He throwed away his blanket and got out of the bed, he walked towards his bathroom to do his morning routine and start the day. He came out wearing his formal attire to go to his office

He went infront of the mirror and checked himself. He groomed his hair, adjusted his tie and fixed his outfit. He took a last look in the mirror, and satisfied with the way he was looking, he walked out of his house and headed towards his car to reach his office. He got in, turned on the engine and drove

He kept thinking about the way their plan would end up. He could just imagine

Hwang stopped the car outside his office building and took a look at it from top to the bottom. He could just imagine the joy and happiness he would be feeling after destroying the business that Yoongi had build with such hard work

He got out of his car and headed inside

He was greeted by the receptionist the moment he entered

"Good morning, Sir Hwang", said the receptionist

"Good morning to you too", Hwang politely greeted back

He made his way to the elevator and pressed the button to open the door. The door opened and Hwang made his way inside. He pressed the button to the ninth floor and waited for the elevator door to close. The elevator door shut and it started moving upwards

Once it arrived at the ninth floor, the elevator stopped moving and the metal door automatically slid open. Hwang stepped out and made his way to his cabin

He opened the door and got inside. Closing the door behind him, he went towards his desk and placed his bag on the desk. He sat down on his chair and got his laptop out of his back and started working

After working for what seemed like half an hour, Hwang's phone started buzzing. He picked up his phone to see who was calling him. He checked the caller id and it was his boss, a.k.a, his boss

He picked up the call and placed his phone on his ear

"Hello, good morning", Hwang greeted

"Good morning. Come into my office, right now", Yoongi said, getting straight to the point

"Coming", Hwang said

Yoongi cut the call immediately. Hwang got up from his seat and headed straight to Yoongi's cabin. Upon reaching, Hwang stood infront of the door and lightly and gently knocked on it a few times

A faint "come in" was heard. Hwang grabbed the door knob and twisted it, opening the door. He pushed it open with a little force and got inside. He closed the door behind him and walked towards Yoongi and stood a few feet away from him

Yoongi was working on his laptop and when he heard the door opening, he stopped working and looked at Hwang

"Why did you call me in your cabin, boss?",  Hwang asked, breaking the silence between them

"Tell me my schedule for the day", Yoongi said

Hwang cleared his throat before saying, "At 10:00 am you have a meeting with the marketing team about your sales and targets. Then at 12:30 am you have another meeting with the product designing team regarding your new product. And at 2:00 pm you will be meeting Mr Kim to discuss about your collaboration"

"Is that it?", Yoongi asked

"Yes", Hwang replied

"You may leave now", Yoongi said

"Before that, I have a good news for you boss", Hwang said with a small smirk on his face

"What is the good news?", Yoongi asked

"We have successfully made a deal with M.E. She would be talking 32 kgs of our cocain and in return she would be giving you 15 million wons", Hwang said

Yoongi's face instantly lit up after hearing this news

"Are you joking?", Yoongi asked

"Absolutely not", Hwang said

Almost everyone in the underworld had tried to set a deal with M.E but they got rejected every single time. And the fact that Yoongi was able to secure a deal with her is a huge flex for Yoongi

"When is the exchange taking place?", Yoongi asked

"On Thursday at 12:00 am at the Shin bridge", Hwang said

Yoongi just hummed in response

"But she has a condition", Hwang said

"What condition?", Yoongi asked

"You must meet her at the Shin bridge for the exchange to take place", Hwang said

"That's not a problem for me", Yoongi said

"I will be taking my leave now", Hwang said and went out of Yoongi's cabin

He opened his open and texted Maeve

'The dog is willingly entering it's case'


Took me a while to write this chapter. But anyways, the updates would be delaying since my final exams are in a week and I would need to prepare

Anyways, love you guys and take care

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